Town Green Water Source 12/03/2018 03:06 PM CST

Currently can't get water at the pond (e.g. Fill a bowl)

Given that it's a pond, could this be changed?

Re: Town Green Water Source 12/03/2018 04:23 PM CST
I don't know the exact reason why there's no water source at the pond, but it might because the pond freezes over during winter. So maybe it was an issue having it there during warm months and not during cold.

There's a convenient trough not that far away in TGNE for all your water needs in the meantime.

Re: Town Green Water Source 12/03/2018 05:32 PM CST
Also since a gelapod lives in it, it's probably not water that is safe for drinking, or using in remedies, or clean enough to properly bless.

We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.
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Re: Town Green Water Source 12/03/2018 08:49 PM CST
Check the trough: That has water in it. I do agree that it's a bit silly to not get water at the pond from spring until fall.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Town Green Water Source 12/05/2018 06:56 PM CST
>Also since a gelapod lives in it, it's probably not water that is safe for drinking, or using in remedies, or clean enough to properly bless.

Is the trough really cleaner?

In general, water sources are far rarer than they should be. You just end up memorizing their locations.
Re: Town Green Water Source 12/05/2018 10:32 PM CST
I just buy it from an alchemy society. Seems simplest.