Grumpy Young Men in Rossgallan Keep 10/19/2006 08:01 PM CDT
Late but not forgotten, the Grumpy Young Man of the original list of releases in Rossgallan Keep has arrived. Please stop by the weapon shop and visit Maechlyn the weapon smith, offering embellishments of weapons made in the shop.

-SGD Danalae T'Aliesan
Re: Grumpy Young Men in Rossgallan Keep 11/07/2006 11:12 PM CST
This is a vera neat system. Could an order 0 option be added, so we can skip something?
Re: Grumpy Young Men in Rossgallan Keep 11/08/2006 11:18 PM CST
re: skipping options, I'm afraid the system isn't that flexible. You have to order something for each of the options.

-SGD Danalae T'Aliesan