Temple Scripts? 12/30/2002 03:55 PM CST
Has anyone developed any good travel scripts for navigating around the temple, or know a good place to get them? I'm directionally challenged so I'd rather not try to make my own unless I really have to.

If so, either post here or email me at my play.net addy.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Temple Scripts? 12/30/2002 05:32 PM CST
If it's just the favor altar you're having trouble with, it's easier than it seems. :)

Go in the entrance door, then go clockwise four times, climb stairs (down), then clockwise four times. Works the same way if you go widdershins four times, etc. To get to the level with the altars for the Thirteen, you would, from the front entrance, go clockwise twice, climb stairs (up), and you'll be on there.

If you're looking for other areas of the Temple...well, I've figured my way around the place, but never made scripts for it. Good luck! :)

player of Alinya

P.S. The Temple has some really neat, rarely visited areas. I encourage exploring (with the help of Ranik or Sablina's map, of course). :)
Re: Temple Scripts? 12/30/2002 06:31 PM CST
During the Sorrow war the bards kept people stationed at the departing/favor altar to lilt and sing the way back out again.

Widdershin four, Climb the stairs,
Widdershin four, go door
Down the stairs, to die some more!

That may not be the poem exactly, but it's very close. So if you want to get to the altar to deposit a favor...

From the gate, go north
Up the stairs and through the door
Clockwise four, down the stairs,
Clockwise four, to get Favor!

That's probably the biggest part of what anyone not a cleric will need to remember, unless they really want to explore.

Re: Temple Scripts? 12/30/2002 07:23 PM CST
<<Ryeka's Post

Ohhh..those are great! I hadn't heard them before.
Re: Temple Scripts? 12/31/2002 10:28 AM CST
<<Ryeka's Post

Thank you!

I hadn't been in crossing for over a year (and I think I've only died in crossing once before in my entire life)... passed through and got stomped by a mamoth that was invading. It took me about a 1/2 hour to get out of that damn place. Thankfully a kind empath gathered up my belongings before I got back when my grave spit things out.
