Cha'walkas Lake Currachs -- Fixed! 04/10/2013 06:46 AM CDT
I've implemented some fixes for the currachs out on Aesry.

For those of you not familiar with these, they are the boats that allow you to row from the shores of Cha'walkas to Tethloren Island and back.

A few steps:

*UNTIE CURRACH -- (previous broken; fixed)
*ROW ROCK -- (previous command; fixed and now yields the following prompt...)
Row toward what or which direction?
[Be careful when you get close! You can easily pass your target if you go too fast!]
*When you're adjacent to the pier/rock, you TIE CURRACH TO (target) -- (previously broken; fixed)

Again, if you're unfamiliar, keep in mind that you're rowing out to an island and it will take some time to get there, which can also vary depending on how hard/gentle you're rowing.

Please test it out and post if you notice anything weird.

=GM Jhustis=
Logistics Minion
Muspar'i Guru
S'Kra Mur Champion
Orders Lead

=="The only place you'll find success before work is in the dictionary."==
Re: Cha'walkas Lake Currachs -- Fixed! 04/11/2013 10:29 AM CDT
How exciting! Yay.

The currachs were one of my favorite toys while I was mainly located on Aesry

Re: Cha'walkas Lake Currachs -- Fixed! 04/23/2013 07:25 PM CDT
>>For those of you not familiar with these, they are the boats that allow you to row from the shores of Cha'walkas to Tethloren Island and back.

No, nonononononono. Not to get back. Once you have your currach to the island/tide pools, and you leave it for any amount of time, it will rematerialize back at the docks you originally left from. This is a Good Thing, it means more poeple can come to the temple at a time. Right now it's restricted to 3, since there's 4 piers, and 1 of the currach are smashed.

I won't say how you get back since it could be 'puzzle info', but suffice it to say, there's a very simple method to return, and it doesn't involve 5-10 minutes rowing. Please don't freak out if you row to the island, tie your currach, swim a lap in the tide pools, and notice the currach has gone missing. No evil thief has stolen your boat and marooned you on the island.

Thank you for fixing these, by the way. It is my favorite place to unwind/lurk around Aesry.
Re: Cha'walkas Lake Currachs -- Fixed! 07/03/2013 08:13 PM CDT

don't forget to ring the bell