Re: Memphis, TN 04/23/2006 08:57 AM CDT
Yep, we were there. He's been going to 'Con since 1997 and I've been going since 1999. Won't be going to the UnofficialCon this year, though. Maybe we'll be able to catch next year's, depending on how things go with his graduation and all next summer.

Are you in Memphis? Or Nashville?

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
Re: Memphis, TN 04/23/2006 11:21 AM CDT
We're actually south of Nashville in Murfreesboro.

Drex's thing
Re: Memphis, TN 04/24/2006 01:46 AM CDT
Yeah i'm here too. Despite the lack of responses in the past, i'm always up for a get together. me or something if i don't respond here.

Re: Memphis, TN 04/24/2006 10:44 AM CDT
Me and my wife (Ternith and Kynani) are about 4 hours south of Memphis. Playing here south of you is also Bavest, Treibor, and Lystid who all there if they have the time off I'm sure could be convienced to drive up to Memphis for a gathering of the peeps.

If you get something orginized to be sure to drop us a line at the addy.

What are the best things in life? To crush your enemies, See them driven before you, and to hear the lamintation of the women.
Re: Memphis, TN 04/24/2006 11:17 AM CDT
>What are the best things in life? To crush your enemies, See them driven before you, and to hear the lamintation of the women.

Conan FTW!

You let out a resounding "Boo!"
>A revenant warrior turns suddenly and flies west.
Re: Memphis, TN 04/24/2006 04:14 PM CDT
Well I'm up for anything just need to figure out a time/date/place. Oh and for those of you in town. If you're ever the the area of hackscross/winchester costco, come visit me (if you drink and are over 21 years old) in the wine store attached to it (southwind wine and spirits) yes I am the keeper (and seller) of the booze!

mind behind Faelwen and various other blights to the dragon's realm.
Re: Memphis, TN 04/27/2006 12:39 PM CDT
I was properly beaten over the head last night and reminded that I had forgotten to mention that the driver of LANCEL is one of us Mississippi players.

What are the best things in life? To crush your enemies, See them driven before you, and to hear the lamintation of the women.
Re: Memphis, TN 04/28/2006 11:09 AM CDT
Ok everyone in the memphis area that wants to get together, state what time/place is best for your give a couple dates and such and what you'd like for us all to do.

I can pretty much get off any day that I need to so I'm fairly flexible in this, and I say we invade a resturant/bar or a pool hall and just hang out.

AIM: SordenJadi
Re: Memphis, TN 04/28/2006 11:34 PM CDT
I'd be up for coming to Memphis but not until after May 16th. Gotta get my finals out of the way. Any date after that as long as I have at least a weeks notice to let work know is good.

"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
Re: Memphis, TN 04/28/2006 11:52 PM CDT
Well, well, well. Didn't realize so many DR-ers lived in the Memphis area!

My finals are over next week (Thank God!)

The last weekend of May I'll be on vacation, so if we want to set something up for during the week, I'm free then. Otherwise, let me know when and I'll see what I can do to be free!
May your dreams be at your fingertips and your paths full of fun and adventure.

*smiles and waves from behind her scroll-covered desk*
Belle aka Bella!
Re: Memphis, TN 04/29/2006 01:47 AM CDT
wow southeast dominates! Birminham Alabama here id love to come but sickness prevents it..
Re: Memphis, TN 04/29/2006 03:35 AM CDT
I live in Baton Rouge and Memphis is only 6 hours away. My schedule is flexible and I would love to go maybe in June. Is there a person organizing the get together?

AIM ForkedTail


A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps from you to Rayje.
It bounces harmlessly off his chest!
As the hammer-shaped light silently falls limp, you could swear you hear a voice whisper the words "Need Cialis?".
Re: Memphis, TN 04/29/2006 10:43 AM CDT
That would be me I guess? right now just trying to feel out how many people would be interested and getting ideas on what to do and such :)
Re: Memphis, TN 04/29/2006 10:44 PM CDT
Well, seeing as how I was trying to get something together before, I'd have to say I'm all for Memphis. Not but about 4 hours from there myself. I know a few others that might join me if we can get something set in stone with about a months notice. Jackson, MS has several folks that I know of in the general area.

Player of Bavest
Re: Memphis, TN 04/30/2006 06:22 AM CDT
I'm in, as long as we bring rope and duct tape fer Bavest.

Player of Wyndz
Re: Memphis, TN 04/30/2006 09:27 AM CDT
"I'm in, as long as we bring rope and duct tape fer Bavest."

Hmm not sure its going to be this type of get-to-gether ;) but anyone else have any ideas as what they would like to do as a group? and how long they are interested in this gathering to last? a day, a weekend, a long weekend, a week?
Re: Memphis, TN 04/30/2006 05:58 PM CDT
A day or two is good. I'm here in memphis so pretty much any time is good, just need a few days notice to free up the time. As for what to do...well we can go to dinner, pool hall, movie, whatever.

I'm probably going to the unofficial con in st. louis so that week in june (23rdish) won't work. I'm also going to my cousin's wedding in st. francisco on the 10th and 11th of june and will probably be going a week early to have fun in cali with my cousins, so that week won't work either. But all of may is pretty much open.

Re: Memphis, TN 04/30/2006 05:59 PM CDT
Oh, and i'll be sure to swing by your wine store sometime. =)

Re: Memphis, TN 04/30/2006 06:07 PM CDT
You can recognize me with the following description. I'm Indian, perpetually in need of a haircut and a shave (usually pastdue for one by 2-4 days). See you around sometime.

Re: Memphis, TN 05/01/2006 06:36 AM CDT
How many of us are legal? Mebbe we can all hit the casinos. Or what if we all planned to meet in Nashville for the Renaissance Festival that's held every weekend in May? I'm not exactly fond of Memphis (can't wait to get out of here) so I'm not exactly sure what types of fun activities are even out there. Isn't there a big BBQ fest in May?

Eric (Kraelyst) will have finals sometime near the end of May and then we're both leaving for medical mission work in Peru until June 7. Any weekend other than that should be ok with us for some type of get together. We're game for just about anything.

~ player of Aavarine and Nabihle

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
Re: Memphis, TN 05/03/2006 08:34 AM CDT
The Casinos sounds like a good idea to me, now here's the real question, if we are all legal(21 years old), and we all go down to tunica how much are we willing to spend on this little gathering. (gambling money aside) because, I had this idea. if the price is right (if we get enough people) I think it'd be pretty durn slick to be able to head down there in the morning (leaving memphis around 10am-11am) via limo or something that way the entire group (should it not be too large) could ride together and we plan on returning sometime around 10-11pm but thats just my thoughts. They've a ton of things to do at the casinos as far as games, but also bars if you don't feel like gambling persay you can just hang out and drink and such.

just my 2 cents worth

Re: Memphis, TN 05/03/2006 08:41 AM CDT
>>You can recognize me with the following description. I'm Indian, perpetually in need of a haircut and a shave (usually pastdue for one by 2-4 days). See you around sometime.<<

I wish I could say that's helpful... But its not! We have a plethora of customers that actually match that description. I'm one of the two girls that works there, I'm the shorter more.. full figured... one of the two of us. i'm about 5'7ish, with SHORT brownish redish hair with blonde tones in the front, though am commonly seen wearing a jagermeister ballcap.
Re: Memphis, TN 05/05/2006 03:18 AM CDT
Darn, i'm foiled by the other indians who hate shaving! <shakes fist> Maybe i'll wear my simucon t-shirt, don't think i've ever worn it before. Anyway , i'll head that way next time i need a bottle of wine for dinner, or lunch, i don't drink earlier than lunch. ;)

Re: Memphis, TN 05/06/2006 05:20 PM CDT
>>no i don't drink earlier than lunch.

I thought you said you went to SimuCon? :P

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
Re: Memphis, TN 05/08/2006 06:53 PM CDT
<<I thought you said you went to SimuCon? :P

Drat! I've been found out.

Re: Memphis, TN 05/08/2006 08:15 PM CDT
Another Alabamian here! Memphis or Tunica would be fun...but already going to the uncon so not sure we could do anything else. Let me know what the plans are though, just in case!


AIM DRChocolateWitch
Re: Memphis, TN 07/11/2006 12:31 PM CDT
I'm legal and about an hour from Nashville in Huntsville Al. Didn't realize there was anyone even close to me.
Re: Memphis, TN 07/11/2006 12:39 PM CDT
yer legal?

you a girl and cute?

and willing to travel to new york?

and got money? i wanna be a kept man.

:oP Ragran
Re: Memphis, TN 07/11/2006 07:03 PM CDT
Ragran, get out of the Southeast and go back to the Northeast. Geesh!!

Re: Memphis, TN 07/12/2006 08:22 AM CDT
i is omnisc...emmni...ahmni...omniverou....


ahm everywar!

:oP Ragran
Re: Memphis, TN 07/12/2006 08:44 AM CDT
That's because your split personalities lives in various states of reality.

Flip what?

My website of cleric info:
Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/10/2009 10:16 AM CST
Just curious to see how many people that still play are in the Memphis/MidSouth area?

Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/10/2009 04:08 PM CST
I'm a Memphis gal when I'm visiting my relatives. Does that count?

Maxwell Smart: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
The Chief: I don't know. Were you thinking, "Holy **, holy **, a swordfish almost went through my head"? If so, then yes.
Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/10/2009 08:47 PM CST
<<I'm a Memphis gal when I'm visiting my relatives. Does that count?

Absolutely. :)

Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/10/2009 09:02 PM CST
I guess i fit this description now... Although I still trying to adjust to it being mid 60's one day low 30's the next.

"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~
Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/11/2009 12:33 PM CST
<<I guess i fit this description now... Although I still trying to adjust to it being mid 60's one day low 30's the next

If you are new to the area, then let me welcome you to the Weirdness of Memphis Weather. On the days that are 60's in the middle of December, I still carry a coat with me. It's prone to change at any time and you can be quite taken unaware - unless you are an avid Weather Channel watcher - which I am not.

I went to the zoo yesterday with a light jacket to go on a tour (about low 60's then) - by the end of the tour, I was wishing I had brought a thick coat and a pair of mittens.

Of course - the up side is Summer pretty much a guarantee of hot and humid. LOL

Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/13/2009 09:54 AM CST
Memphis-ish, kinda. I live just west of Chattanooga.

~"Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs," I said. "We have a protractor."
Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 04/28/2009 02:52 PM CDT
I am loving the weather right now. It is finally hot and green again. I live in Oak Ridge Tennessee. I am originally from Hammond Indiana just outside of Chicago. I have been here a little over 8 years now and don't plan on going back. I love the mountains and I do not miss the northern winters.

Mujaki, Paladin of the people.
Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 11/26/2009 05:31 AM CST
I'll reawaken this dead topic ;) I'm from the Midsouth more to the eastern part of it though. I live in Corinth, MS which is about 1.5 hrs from Memphis, 1 hr from Florance, 1 hr from Tupelo, and 1 hr from Jackson, TN. I consider my little humble town a almost perfect because it offers all that you need an if it isn't here you don't gotta drive hourS to get to what you need. Unless what you need is a theme park :(

>bluff silv
You realize you have no idea how to bluff an unintelligent beast like the Leader Silvyrfrost.
Re: Crossroads of Memphis Area. 01/07/2010 01:38 PM CST
I live in collierville just outside of memphis but work near bartlett

-=<(Taeja Vakeho'leyiye)>=-

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts." ~ The Buddha"