Settlers Anyone? 12/03/2006 04:59 PM CST
Hey all, Ok at unofficial con this year we played the 3D settlers and we loved it. So we went out and bought the regular settlers. We are looking to see if there is anyone in St Louis, St Charles or surrounding areas in Missouri that would be interested in getting together somewhere and playing a round of settlers to help us learn a little more and to have a good time. If there is already a group that gets together and meets to play let us know we would love to come and play too. So if ya interested post and maybe we can get something together to play.


PS A special thanks to simultronics for helping me find my new husband. For those who didn't know Chasitee and Wryten got married IRL as well as ingame. We were just married on 11/11 this year.

Take care all
Re: Settlers Anyone? 12/05/2006 10:22 PM CST
Congrats Christy & Dave.

Don't see you around as much anymore, but could be cause I've been busy lately. Give me a hollar sometime Christy.


Non Rangers practice a unique methode of locating people and places in cities......We ask directions - Mendasity