The Sheriff and the Maiden 07/24/2003 08:46 AM CDT
Once upon a time, there was a brave young sheriff who ventured into the land of Orders armed almost exclusively with intellect and charm. He was thankful for this - because these would be his two most effective weapons against the various bands of unruly adventurers known collectively to most as "The Orders". Each of these bands of oft-merry-but-not-always Lords and Ladies was different. Each group had it's own means of dealing with changing winds and the sudden rise and fall of the tides. The Sheriff surveyed the new challenge laid out before him, eyes sweeping over the ever-shifting swarm of people that now fell under his jurisdiction.

Just as his brows scrunched in a perplexed expression that relayed his worries over how one lone Sheriff would bring law and order to "The Orders" - a beautiful maiden walked up to his side, resting one slender hand gracefully on his shoulder and turning to cast a brilliantly enchanting smile out over the softly rumbling crowd. A sea of eyes raised to the raidiance that was the maiden's smile, illuminating for one and all to see the hope of the future.

The strength of the Sheriff's purpose and determination swelled in his chest. "To the future!", he called to the unruly bunch before him, and broke into a silly grin as the crowd cheered wildly. "To the future!" they cried back in perfect harmony, discreetly hiding their lynching ropes behind their backs, within their packs, and beneath their robes - for the moment anyway.


Heh, and that is my welcome aboard Raenek and Olarra! While I have a strong personal fondness for Naiph and am saddened by her departure from SIMU, I consider the Orders very lucky to have received two shiny new-to-Orders but experienced GMs who both sound so wonderful! And so quickly! Cheers and a heartfelt welcome to both of you!

Athiana Basarona~Bor'Nor (& Me!)
Ambassador, Order of the White Rose