Novice Nights 10/01/2011 11:23 AM CDT
Back by popular demand, the event known as the Novice Auction has been revamped into Novice Night.
We had our first one last night and it went really rather well. Thank you to all the Shielders and guests that came to help out as well as our five very fun novices. We won't be having one in October due to the fest but will start in November and hopefully settle into a nice monthly schedule again.

Anyone wishing to donate please note that basic items such as Character Manager beginner gear will likely not be used. We've moved away from beginner gear since our Riverhaven Integration Program takes care of that on a more timely basis than a once a month event can do. For a lot of these novices, by the time they make it to an event like this they're past the need for things like flints and store-bought scimitars and we've adjusted to accommodate that fact.

Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."