Courier delivery system 03/25/2006 02:49 PM CST
In a bid to offer less active members of the Order's a way to be involved at their own pace a new courier delivery system has been developed:

The courier system is currently only available between other official Orders of Elanthia with a view to expand to none official groups and organizations later in the year.

The delivery system currently has four different types of documentation which is designated by the color of the wax seal. Currency of payment for this service is subject to the ruling currency of the province delivered to. The meanings of each document that may be delivered are as follows:

Black Seal - Non urgent face to face requested - cost of delivery = 1 gold
Green Seal - Contact via e-mail is requested - cost of delivery = 2 gold
Blue Seal - Priority face to face meeting requested - cost of delivery = 3 gold
Red Seal - Urgent contact requested via pigeon - cost of delivery = 4 gold

Courier's will be paid by the person sending the document. They will have no less then 1 day to deliver the document before their contract expires and should be returned to sender.

A table of this information is available at the Order of the Black Fox's official website:

under Charter, courier system.

if anyone has any problems or issues please contact us.

Kind Regards

Kintalia Ritters, acting Speaker for the Order of the Black Fox.

~It is only knowledge and wisdom which seperates Us. Seek the knowledge to learn from experience; Hope to have the wisdom to understand - You are the sum of Your experiences~