Recruiting 09/24/2006 10:47 PM CDT
Are there any Orders that are recruiting new membership?

The Player of Larak
Re: Recruiting 09/24/2006 10:59 PM CDT
The Order of the Dragon Shield is always recruiting.

Re: Recruiting 09/25/2006 12:40 AM CDT
The Tavern Troupe Performing Order continues to recruit monthly.

Dulcinie, Speaker of the Tavern Troupe
Re: Recruiting 09/26/2006 08:50 AM CDT
Then please post periodically when you are having recruiting events, where, what your group is looking for in terms of members, what sort of things you do, and what members are expected to do. I am not going looking for links through the player site links. A large portion of those are defunct. I think the one that ODS has is one of those.

Mists and Magic, Ocean Breazes, Deep Rivers Under the Sea, Trails Between the Stars: Where nothing is as it seems.

"I would be deadly afraid of the destructive power of a nuclear kitty." - Reike
Re: Recruiting 09/26/2006 10:15 AM CDT
Nope! I just double checked, and the website that is listed in the links area is correct.

All major events that we hold get posted on the Events calender, and are located in NEWS 4 10, where all Order events can be found.

We usually don't have events that are just for recruiting, but all our events are open to the public and you can generally talk to members to find out more if you're interested.

Unfortunately, we just had our monthly auction on Sunday, which is our big public event held most often. However, if check our website, you'll find all the information you should need to make an accurate assessment as to whether this is something that may interest you.

If you have any further questions, feel free to track down a member in game, or toss Kerella or I an email to our account names.

ODS Vice Commander
Re: Recruiting 09/26/2006 10:34 AM CDT
The URL has been updated every time the ODS has changed URLs, the last change being about 3 RL years ago when we went to our own dotcom. An updated image was submitted, but for some reason the old one is still being used for the featured link image.

As long as Olarra gets enough lead time, we haven't had any problems getting the word out about our events. The auction last Sunday had two separate IG announcements, plus events calendar listings. The treasure hunt we hosted a few weeks back had both as well. We've got multiple recruits at any given time, so we know that these methods are working.
Organization Recruiting 05/06/2011 11:41 PM CDT
Hi, I'm a returning player and was wondering if there was a list of organizations that were recruiting? Thanks!
Re: Organization Recruiting 05/07/2011 01:10 AM CDT
>>Knickydr1: Hi, I'm a returning player and was wondering if there was a list of organizations that were recruiting? Thanks!

Most of the active groups are always recruiting. You can read about them on Elanthipedia and decide which one(s) would be a good fit for your character. (The Elanthipedia articles include links to each group's Web site.)

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Organization Recruiting 05/07/2011 03:59 PM CDT
After reading if your interested in the Apostles we will be having a Recruitment event on Monday 05/09/2011 at 7 PM EST.

Information about the event and location can be found here:

"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."