Can't get tanned leather 06/20/2019 04:08 AM CDT
What am I missing here? Sometimes I can get it, other times no. Same syntax...

>tap hide in my backpack
You tap a curing shalswar hide inside your hitman's backpack.

>l my hide in my backp
The curing might be complete, but you will have to hold it to be sure.

>get my leather from my backp
What were you referring to?

>get my hide from my backp
What do you want to get?

You say, "Tada."

A sudden burst of oily smelling air strikes you in the face.
Re: Can't get tanned leather 06/20/2019 06:48 AM CDT
>The curing might be complete, but you will have to hold it to be sure.

Are you sure the noun changed already after this step? I know it used to but maybe that changed by accident with the recent release?

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
Re: Can't get tanned leather 06/20/2019 09:08 AM CDT
I've tried both :) the original "hide" never works. The leather works sporadically.

You say, "Tada."

A sudden burst of oily smelling air strikes you in the face.
Re: Can't get tanned leather 06/20/2019 02:26 PM CDT
When my hides are done curing, when you use the verb to "GET HIDE/SKIN" it will give the same message (What were you trying to get? i think). I do that until it says it could not find what i was referring to, and that should turn them into leather in your bag. that means get leather will work, just have to make sure you're not getting the armor Leathers.