Ring of Glory Durations 01/18/2020 05:13 PM CST
Could the duration information on Rings of Glory be made more precise, please? "Less than an Elanthian year" could be a few days, or a few months...that's sort of an absurdly large range. Also insert obligatory plea for craftable rings, preferably including metal ones since there's not many artificing products that call for metal ingredients.

Also, I'd like to add my voice to the chorus pleading for the remaining sigil harvesting techniques to be turned on. This has dragged on for a somewhat preposterous length of time at this point. The duration of Imbue's global preview is beginning to rival that associated with the various complete magic system rewrites.

I get the impression that Kodius is all but completely out of commission at this point, and we were already well past the point that it had become urgent to get him some help to work on crafting things. Is anything being done to nudge things back in the general direction of the tracks, if not get them back on entirely?

-Biomancer Karthor
Re: Ring of Glory Durations 01/18/2020 08:48 PM CST

> "Less than an Elanthian year"

1 year is 100 RL days. You can get an infusor stone for incredibly cheap right now. Something like 100 platinum, and they'll extend it to 1 RL year IIRC.

> Also, I'd like to add my voice to the chorus pleading for the remaining sigil harvesting techniques to be turned on.

100% this.
Re: Ring of Glory Durations 01/19/2020 10:05 AM CST

It's been 20 days or so since I last asked for the sigil harvesting techniques. This is a great opportunity to ask again also. Thank you for your attention