Response to Strange Goings On -- A Teaser 10/14/2017 10:13 AM CDT
This is SUPER appreciated, thanks for collecting these!
Re: Response to Strange Goings On -- A Teaser 10/15/2017 02:56 PM CDT

Agreed, it's a huge help for folks (like myself) who weren't privy to this previously but want to get involved now. Everyone loves a dive in the wiki hole now and then, but it's tough to dig purposefully through the wiki and hope to find relevant stuff. So thank you very much.
Re: Response to Strange Goings On -- A Teaser 10/22/2017 02:15 PM CDT
Assuming this shimmering rift is supposed to be treated as a permanent or semi-permanent hunting area, is there any chance the large and huge creatures could be separated into different areas? They seem to be very different levels of creatures and that would make the space more useful to more people. If it's "something else" that's fine, but I just figured I'd throw the suggestion out there just in case.

-Life Weaver Karthor