treasure hunt in Langen 12/21/2013 01:30 PM CST
Just wanted to put out a big thanks to those who ran the treasure hunt Aaiyaih?,(Aaiy--I can never remember how to spell your name--sorry!) Cruptike hey I can't spell your name either! ::hides in shame:: And any other folks I don't know about. The event was great fun and since it was one of the few in a ranger friendly place, I was overjoyed. But next time, I will hide and sneak so I don't lead folks to the prizes. : D

Zinaca and her full-grown raccoon, Shadow

PS Um about that last shirt that wasn't when I checked on Shadow, she had some shredded shirt material wrapped around her. What can I say, raccoons love to collect stuff and well I'm sorry. Big oops!
Re: Theren Guard treasure hunt in Langen 12/22/2013 12:17 PM CST
Quite welcome Zinaca!!

We really had a fun time all around with the event. Kenamer put this together and could not make it so we just wanted to help make sure this event took place. Everyone did a fantastic job and we are thankful for the large turnout!

From what I understand, Kenamer is planning such a hunt for the Rossman Landing area next month!

Hope to see you there!
