A Letter to the High Temple 01/26/2017 10:01 PM CST
An Elothean courier arrives at the High Temple in Crossing with a letter addressed to High Priestess Tallis.

High Priestess Tallis,

I have recently experienced a pair of prophetic visions of a disturbing nature, featuring subject matter I feel the Temple should be made aware of.

While tapping into the web of fate, I twice heard a voice in my head using my own voice, but not my own thoughts and forcibly imposing a calm state upon me. In one instance it stated the following:

"The high temple calls it the Misenseor Tragedy."

"Not too long ago, the abbey was a lair of sin, where dark monks committed atrocities not so different from the necromancers they reviled with zeal. They lived like fat spiders in the middle of a web of wilderness, preying on the people of two provinces. I do not remember being there, but I must have been. How else could I know all this, recognize every monastic cell and every long-dead soul in it?..."

And in the other instance this is what was said:

"...Today I am surrounded by new monks. Children, compared to those wicked intellects of old, but good children nonetheless who bear my Ichor. Although they carve patterns into their spirits in my image, those are faulty and arid things that sleep far too much. My dearest Kylshun says that I am matchless, that none can see so deep as I. I understand that now, just as I understand he used to be one of the sinners. And yet he saw the error of his ways; moreover, he reforged his error into the greatest Good this plane may ever witness. I have forgiven him. I would forgive him anything. We are, after all, one and the same."

"They call it the Misenseor Tragedy, when in fact there was nothing tragic about it. They all died, we all died, and it was divine."

"It was the day of my birth."

I am sure you can see why I found this alarming. I have only cursory knowledge of the Misenseor Tragedy, but I'm sure the High Temple knows more about it. Given the nature of this possible threat, you also seem to be appropriate authority to pass this information on to. If there is any other assistance I can provide, please let me know. I will send further information if I experience any additional visions on this topic.

Miskton Ramahk, Court Mage of Ilithi