Current RP Events - Kudos 05/16/2020 12:26 AM CDT
To the players designing these events: You guys are crazy creative. I am literally in awe of some of the things you are coming up with. Please don't be offended if the things I learn fuel my own ideas, imitation is the greatest form of flattery!

But, I also wanted to take some time to shout out to the events GMs. Having gone to several of these latest player led events and seeing the support they are all getting, I've been absolutely floored. There is no other way I know how to express how wonderful and thankful that I am sure everyone feels other than putting words down. So, for all you folks have been doing as we break this world in new and exciting ways, thank you!

You guys rock!

Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/16/2020 06:07 AM CDT
Have to agree with Nefis here. The ideas people are coming up with are really excellent and its been amazing to watch staff bounce off of those ideas with their own creativity. A lot of the messaging for these types of event responses is very well done.

Kudos to all!
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/16/2020 06:38 AM CDT

100 pu'cent

One may even say its feeling a little like the days of old!

The Nomad thing was super creative, and it didn't just feel like we were just sitting back reading a ton of info.

Fun and simple events like the painting things was cute from the Tavern Troup.

The diversity has been awesome.

The main event has been really enjoyable, with it stiring discussions on different ideals and im very much enjoying the invasions and the amount of people willing to play an active roll

Simple little individual weekly gathering has me looking forward to them, and discovering other characters.

And also having alot of the returning players injecting some new life as well as being able to play a little conflict is really great.

Thank you to everyone.... and don't stop.

Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/16/2020 02:21 PM CDT
I've definitely enjoyed RPing with a variety of groups, both with and without GM support. The game feels alive with so many different storylines going on, even if I'm not directly involved with them!

Thanks for all the roleplay. <3 <3

Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/16/2020 06:46 PM CDT

To chime in on this -

1 ) We have a lot of ideas kicking around, and plans, oh man, so many plans. Unfortunately, we do not have unlimited time. It has been super helpful to us to see players taking initiative with events and roleplay, allowing us to squeeze in our plans when appropriate, and respond to the event when appropriate. We have gotten more event proposal emails lately, and it provides us with so many hooks for our plans.

2 ) As the team grows, it becomes easier to tackle more events. Of particular note I want to underline, a recent event included an idea by a new GM that I think went extremely well, and I think will be featured more regularly. Yay for new ideas and experimenting with new ways to tell stories!

3 ) Communication with you guys has been easier than ever, and people seem to be receptive to clarification responses via email and even occasionally via GMPC's OOCing messages to PCs in game. We appreciate it when you guys are understanding of our occasional (OCCASIONAL) typeos or mishaps during events. We hope that we can all continue to communicate as equal partners participating in this joint story that is Elanthia.

We want to keep throwing events at you and the world. Your involvement is why we do this stuff.
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/21/2020 11:26 AM CDT
There does seem to be some interesting stuff going on here and there, and probably more that I'm not aware of and/or happen to miss. One thing I'd like to ask is that any event messaging that gets thrown around be paced very carefully. Take the time to read the one you just sent (not skimming it or quickly glossing over it as someone who already knows what it says, but actually taking the time to legitimately read it), and then wait a little more before firing off the next one. At last night's elemental experiment thingy, the messages were coming way too quickly and there was no time to read them and see what was going on until after several other things had already happened. I'm sure there was some really great stuff in there with neat things happening, but with how quickly they went by there was absolutely no chance to take them in and formulate any sort of reaction (if appropriate). And that's without much other scroll to make matters worse (that was actually pretty well contained, I was impressed).

Not a huge deal, just something with a bit of room for improvement.

-Biomancer Karthor
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/21/2020 03:57 PM CDT

There have been events where we send messaging out too quickly and interrupt player response. There have also been events where our timing is too slow, and there is a lot of awkward sitting around waiting to see if anything is happening (which exacerbates the phenomenon of people often clamming up when a GMPC arrives!).

For what it may be worth, the Elemental Experiment event last night was an incredibly large crowd of people, and the scroll was very difficult to navigate for us as well. It took multiple GMs to juggle the myriad things going on.

Your comment about the pacing is well received though - while we did not rush the choices, we definitely understand that a lot of things were happening simultaneously, and reading everything in real time was likely impossible. We will always try and improve our pacing. A good deal of the messaging was simply atmospheric in nature, that is, danger danger crackle boom, but we definitely do not want people feeling like they need to be speed readers to participate.

I do really want to reiterate that this crowd was large. We absolutely missed a lot of whispers, questions, and MYCHARs that would have been good to respond to. There is not really anything we can do about that other than try harder and continue to work on our own pacing/delivery. As always, please bear with us while we try new things and improve on old things - how stories are delivered are just as important as the story content itself!
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/22/2020 06:12 AM CDT
I was going through my log yesterday, and at the start of the experiment when we had to pull the 2nd group to us so they could view it(due to Spell issues), we had 51 people at the start. God, that's a lot of characters doing stuff in a single place.

Every time I go through logs of events like this that we organize, I always notice a bunch of things people tried to say or tell me that I couldn't see in the scroll. Sorry to those who I didn't respond to, I just lose some of it in the scroll. It certainly didn't help that we were in a monster area and the stealth mechanics of Seordmaor were bypassing the mechanics of Sanctuary, so we had cyclics going on to calm and rid the room of them, further adding to the scroll. But we chose that area on purpose due to its relevance with what we were attempting, and I don't think there's much anyone could do about that. In the end, I think most of the scroll was our bad simply due to location and not making sure Sanctuary would function right with the critter.

That said, while I missed a lot of stuff going on in the moment too, I felt like the strategic bold messaging for those who absolutely had to respond was well done and let my eye catch it in the scroll, so I appreciate it. Also, the coloring of GM Event messaging has always been a big help too. It lets me know I have to scroll back and read something. I do feel like I was given ample time to respond.

In fact, the kind of "choose your own adventure" story system being done for this and the Moon Mage tribal event are pretty awesome. Let me show everyone what I saw on my end:

>>The lightning ball appears to unfurl slightly, a thick bolt crackling against the space before you! It appears to bend and arc, gaining in intensity, and you sense it is about to erupt forward at any moment! You feel confident that you can redirect it, though you realize you must act quickly!
>>Time is of the essence, and you believe you only have three options! You can redirect the bolt by POINT Grancz, POINT Dantia, or take the strike yourself if you LEAN BACK! You must decide quickly!

Others who had to make choices and respond have told me that they felt like their choices were serious and mattered, so much in fact that we keep debating what might have happened if we had chosen other things. To me means that this method in player events is a big success and its definitely being well received.

I meant to post this yesterday, but I want to say that both this event and the recent Moon Mage event were incredible. I really like the area we discovered and all the messaging relating to the things inside is very well done and got a lot of people talking for hours on end.

Thanks to the Event team for all your hard work. Its been fantastic.
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/23/2020 07:28 PM CDT

I had no idea that events had those interactive moments like with the lightning bolts, so thanks for sharing that. It's great to see that there are those sorts of things giving an extra layer of player engagement to the story. Kudos to the GMs for including that kinda stuff for the players are the heart of these events!

>For some reason you just can't stop thinking about glarmencouplers.
Re: Current RP Events - Kudos 05/24/2020 07:49 AM CDT
Chiming in to agree -- the interactive moments and choices that I've heard about at recent events are really great! I know there have been some moments in past events that determined what the outcome would be, but I'm not sure I've seen it made explicit at such a granular level. I am a big fan and am super impressed by the options given to players and the widespread GM support I've seen for player events lately.

A++ would almost get struck by lightning or eaten alive by mean lightning cats again.
