HE event spider poison seems buggy 10/26/2019 04:25 AM CDT
Seems like something is off with the spider poison. You get kicked out of the web burrows upon death or if you've reached status X but it seems like you should still have plenty of time to be rescued. I went from ~31% vitality to zero in a single pulse.

example where the death state has been triggered which boots me out of the web burrow:
Your body feels very beat up.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You are fatigued.
You have a deeply bruised head compounded by some moderately deep cuts about the head, some minor abrasions to the neck, some tiny scratches to the right arm, a severely swollen and deeply bruised left arm with odd protrusions under the skin compounded by a broken left arm with gaping holes, some tiny scratches to the right leg, some minor abrasions to the left leg, a severely swollen and deeply bruised right hand compounded by deep cuts across the right hand, some minor abrasions to the left hand, minor swelling and bruising in the chest area compounded by cuts and bruises about the chest area, minor swelling and bruising in the abdomen compounded by cuts and bruises about the abdomen, severely swollen and bruised back compounded by deep cuts across the back.

Area Rate

head slight
left arm moderate
right hand slight
back slight
inside head slight
inside l. arm moderate
inside back light
You have a seriously strong nerve poison.
You feel like you're dying!

Documentation is a love letter you write to your future self.
Re: HE event spider poison seems buggy 10/26/2019 07:53 AM CDT
Huh- Serious injuries, but none of them are fatal! In fact, normally even with all of them you would have time to get to a healer.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy