HE fest shops 11/04/2018 11:15 AM CST
SO I've had a look around and unless I've missed something, which is entirely possible, are there no crafting shops at HE? the ones i know are Which Craft and Skyward Crafting and neither are around that i've seen. I'm kinda annoyed as i was wanting to buy some crafting equipment that was better than crafted or storebought.
Re: HE fest shops 11/04/2018 11:37 AM CST
The crafting shops tends to show up closer to the end of the festival, so there's still hope!
Re: HE fest shops 11/04/2018 12:28 PM CST
Just in case you miss the tweet:

> [13:25] Tweet: Anyone want to get their crafting on? Which Craft is now open! #hollow #eve #drprime