Gratitude of the Merelew! 11/11/2022 02:22 PM CST
You may have noticed a Trickling Sun leviathan ecologist hanging out in the Stone Rotunda, near Arbiter Ceryaen. Some of you may even have embarked on a mission for her. There are now new rewards for helping the leviathan ecologist and the rest of the Merelew representatives. In addition to needing excellent standing with the Merelew, you must have completed the leviathan mission at least once, recently. Though you can gain more standing from the leviathan mission than from Ceryaen's tasks, you can mostly stick with the latter if you're afraid of leviathans!

1) Leviathan Friend title. This is based on your shared standing with the Merelew.
2) coralite-armored guardian cuttlefish ephemeron. This is also based on your shared standing.
3) Ecosphere unlock for faction-specific movement messages. This has a dual requirement of shared standing and faction standing. You can collect all five of these movement styles if you want!

These rewards are going to be available for the duration of Hollow Eve. Big thanks to GMs Koror and Zadraes!

GM Grejuva
Re: Gratitude of the Merelew! 11/12/2022 05:47 PM CST
The previous announcement missed an important piece of information: The third reward, the faction-specific movement styles, requires access to the Seat of Unification area which is on Andreshlew. This means that, while non-festgoers can obtain the title and the ephemeron, the final reward is only available to those with a Hollow Eve ticket.

GM Grejuva