Right now! 08/04/2010 02:13 PM CDT
I've decided to do something different with my trader shop.

If anyone is familiar with Woot.com, my premise is similar. I'll be selling one item, per day.

If the item sells, it won't be updated until the next day. If it doesn't sell, it will be traded out for something else the next day. (Obvious disclaimer of weather, aliens, etc precluding me from updating - but I'll try to make sure it gets done every day)

Exception to this is on certain days (probably weekends) I'll be having a special deal, similar to the WOOTOFF. I'll be selling one item, and when its gone, I'll move on to something else - so there's a possibility of more than one item per day. Sort of like an auction except I won't be removing an item within a certain time just because it hasn't sold.

So! Come on by. My shop is located in the Meeting Room, the Iron Door. Formerly Fiorenza's Secret, now Fiorenza's One Day, One Deal.

Stop on by!
