Party for Kasrkyn's 100th promotion 03/28/2010 10:33 PM CDT
Kasrkyn, aka the paperweight has reached his 100th promotion and we're ready to celebrate. Party on Monday 6pm EST at the riverhaven banquet hall in the trader guild. Everyone's invited to help him celebrate this landmark. Invitations are available through Kasrkyn, Airam or Rubei before and during the party. Come one come all and bring a friend! There will be dancing, gambling and loads of food!
Re: Party for Kasrkyn's 100th promotion 03/29/2010 11:49 AM CDT
Congratulations, Kaskryn!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy