Ranger Only Housing needed 06/09/2020 04:38 PM CDT
I would really like to see some ranger only housing in/near our guild like the other guilds have. I think it's only fair that we have our own housing area. Anyone can own a tree house so thats not even special for rangers, though that would be such lovely rp.

-Veela Usho
Re: Ranger Only Housing needed 06/10/2020 06:26 AM CDT
+1. Owning a house as a ranger feels very anti-rp with the current selections. "Here comes xxxx back from a long day of hunting and scouting to their home in the suburbs.". Tree houses, longhouses, anything really. Maybe set at the end of a small ranger trail much like a cache.

Re: Ranger Only Housing needed 06/10/2020 06:34 AM CDT

The only Ranger only housing I know of is in Aesry on the cliffs. I would love to have a treehouse, but they have been occupied since the beginning of time, like boats. Count me in on 'Ranger Only' housing near the guilds.
Re: Ranger Only Housing needed 06/19/2020 06:24 PM CDT

This is something that's always bothered me, we have race-only places and most guilds have their guild-only areas, but rangers just seem like they're left out of the exclusivity. Having to go in town to a house just doesn't feel rangery, but even rangers sometimes want a quiet place to themselves.

I am very much in support for ranger only housing.
Re: Ranger Only Housing needed 06/20/2020 08:54 AM CDT
Bards dont have their own housing place that I can recall offhand either. Course it doesnt penalize them for being in town either. Thieves dont have their own "inclusive" area either.

Not saying that rangers shouldnt have their own area, they should. Maybe up past the blueberry bushes near where the Pots, badgers & such run around? Something off there/near there for Crossings area which seems to be the most requested area.

Its wilderness themed, near enough to xing, and not really overdone with housing areas. Yes I know there are a couple housing areas already near gargs/ds but not as overdone with other "villages" and such.

So how about a small mix rural low class & trees (go light on the trees) up near pots for rangers only?