Gazit Lair Updates 01/31/2009 01:32 AM CST

After an entertaining evening of smashing and bashing, the neighborhood of Gazit Lair (located just off the NTR near the entrance to the Silverwater Mines) has received a facelift:

- Most of the vacant homes have been removed. There are now, at most, two houses per room.

- The unsightly adjectives (abandoned, empty, unremarkable, etc.) were removed from the descriptions. They will look like normal houses now, so in order to see which ones are vacant, simply use HOME CLAIM.

- In keeping with the original intent of the area, the Karik Rim section of the cave now offers a limited quantity of housing exclusively for Gor'Togs.


-- GM Tiesse

"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague