Riverhaven Housing 05/23/2013 01:47 PM CDT
I've been watching the housing in Riverhaven for a couple of months now and its pretty much always full. Is there any chance you can open up a few extra houses there?
Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/23/2013 05:16 PM CDT
I'll forward the request over to Zadraes, who is currently buried beneath his impressive GF to-do list. :)

Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/23/2013 05:29 PM CDT

Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/23/2013 07:28 PM CDT
Just a note while we're on the subject. I took a look around the Crossing recently, and it's pretty full up too. I went through all the housing areas I knew of (and checked maps to find more), and the only ones with vacancies were Guild restricted.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/24/2013 04:03 PM CDT
>I'll forward the request over to Zadraes, who is currently buried beneath his impressive GF to-do list. :)

At first I was wondering how his 'girlfriend list' was higher priority than DR, then I realized it was his 'Guild Fest list'. Duh!!
Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/24/2013 04:54 PM CDT

>>At first I was wondering how his 'girlfriend list' was higher priority than DR, then I realized it was his 'Guild Fest list'. Duh!!

Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight..
Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/24/2013 07:38 PM CDT

I have been watching the housing as well, mainly in Langen, but what I have noticed is there are quite a few homes that are claimed but have yet to be entered by anyone

l hall
You see nothing unusual.
[This home is claimed, but has not ylet been entered by the owner.]

I assisted and was given the name of the owner so as to contact em but i couldn't be told if the account the person was on was active, or who the most active person on their account was or anything.

I was wondering if maybe the homes system could be purged, un-claim the houses of peoples accounts who are closed, or are not premie anymore, or of characters who claimed homes, but then deleted the characters. Not sure if the system already does this, but there are several home in very desirable areas (tree houses in Langen, upper tier housing in riverhaven) that are claimed but no one has walked into them.. Why claim a house if your not going to use it.

Just curious, or yeah more housing would be great, and more upperclass rural would be great in Langen or some Ranger only dwellings would be great.
Re: Riverhaven Housing 05/25/2013 11:42 AM CDT
>I have noticed is there are quite a few homes that are claimed but have yet to be entered by anyone

When they opened accounts to have one house per character, there was a gold-rush type run for every house everywhere. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that's the cause of many of them. Lot of folks grabbed a home just because they could.

>I assisted and was given the name of the owner so as to contact em but i couldn't be told if the account the person was on was active, or who the most active person on their account was or anything.

Yeah, I'd bet there are account privacy rules or something like that.

>I was wondering if maybe the homes system could be purged, un-claim the houses of peoples accounts who are closed, or are not premie anymore, or of characters who claimed homes, but then deleted the characters.

Far as I know, it does this already, but there's some sort of lag time.

>Why claim a house if your not going to use it.

See point 1.

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