Aesry 12/14/2003 10:41 AM CST
I was told once above the meadowlands, in the 'high meadowlands' or something, there was a cave or cavern with doors in it. I explored the meadowlands and could not find it. Was hoping if anyone knew anything of this if they could clue me in. Im looking for a house on aesry in cave or such structure,


"Your body writhes as if struck by a bolt of lightning, but the sensation passes, leaving you flushed and out of breath, yet still shivering from the experience."
Re: Aesry 12/15/2003 10:53 PM CST
There is a cave in the Highland where the stream is

I think from the entrance to the stream you go west,then southwest,then go cave.

There are three unclaimed doors there.

Hope that helped.

Cleric in service to Murrula and Aesry Resident
Re: Aesry 12/16/2003 02:18 PM CST
> I think from the entrance to the stream you go west,then southwest,then go cave.

> There are three unclaimed doors there.

Ack! And I just claimed my home today elsewhere! Oh well. Crystal Wave inn is nice.
Re: Aesry 12/16/2003 10:34 PM CST
If you ever decide to change your location, there is a home clerk on Aesry next to where the debt clerk's office is.

Saves you a trip to Crossing that way just in case. Glad to have another resident and welcome to the Island.

Re: Aesry 12/17/2003 09:07 AM CST
I thought about it, but I could barely afford to buy a place, I hear it's twice as much to move... Anyway, I love Aesry, happy to be in the neighborhood.
Re: Aesry 12/17/2003 10:04 AM CST
<<I think from the entrance to the stream you go west,then southwest,then go cave.>>

I cant find any cave up there on either side of the bridge, in the gap, or in the grove. I cant seem to find the cave on any map, and no one ive talked to ig can point me the right direction :( Ah well, being king of gaizt lair has its advantages,


"Your body writhes as if struck by a bolt of lightning, but the sensation passes, leaving you flushed and out of breath, yet still shivering from the experience."
Re: Aesry 12/17/2003 11:15 AM CST

I became totally obsessed and spent the morning looking for it, even though I have my place at the inn now. Found it! Look for Daellid IG or IM at itzdavey.

Re: Aesry 12/17/2003 12:16 PM CST
>>If you ever decide to change your location, there is a home clerk on Aesry next to where the debt clerk's office is.<<

This was moved into the government building.

Do not be arrogant because of your knowledge, but confer with the ignorant man as with the learned....Good speech is more hidden than malachite, yet it is found in the possession of women slaves at the millstones.
- Ptahhotpe (24th cent. B.C.)
Aesry Caves 04/10/2006 08:16 PM CDT
Aesey has some very nice homes, but I'm jealous of my guildleader Marions cave. The cottages just aren't very Rangerly. How about some caves place up near the sea caves as a newer housing area. I mean I'm sure everyone loves Aesry just as much , but you have to admitt it's a very Rangerly Island. Some tree houses and cave dwelling type areas would be nice.
Re: Aesry Caves and M'Riss too? 08/12/2006 11:33 AM CDT
Well not really caves, more like those magical little places you find in the desert where you slip through a crack or arch and find a little garden with water and trees and all in a small opening in the rocks. Just enough light gets through, water collects, and magic happens. I would love home like that. The door would be the arch of course. I suppose you would have to make a whole new catagory of home though and furnishings for it that would look like things you would find in a garden. Probably too much to ask for.

Though you could do this perhaps on the format of the houses on Aesry with the garden being the courtyard and having more than one home in a cave off the garden?

Mists and Magic, Ocean Breazes, Deep Rivers Under the Sea, Trails Between the Stars: Where nothing is as it seems.

"I would be deadly afraid of the destructive power of a nuclear kitty."
-- Reike
Aesry 01/25/2011 08:06 PM CST
Would it be possible to get more houses added to Aesry? I don't think there's any available now, except possibly in the Ranger-only area.

Thank you.
Re: Aesry 01/27/2011 05:32 PM CST
I think there are some spare room type homes in the Inn West and South of the bank. Hope that helps.