hara'jaal 03/25/2003 02:52 PM CST
Still waiting on houses for Hara'jaal. Treehouses, caves or even dockside huts.

Also, if we are not part of M'Riss, since Meriel doesn't do Hara'jaal stuff, could we possibly have our own citizenship. Meaning the Jolas dock board and the Tasia would allow us residents to sign up and be alerted when the respective vessels dock...along with the other citizenship "perks". (whatever they may be)

I wouldn't mind our citizenship dues being collected by a monthly shakedown, much like what the baron's guards do to the tavern owner.

Been living on Hara'jaal with my husband for a year and a half (real time) now. So far we've seen progress in the form of additional creatures and a barrel to dispose of things in, courtesy of Damissak and Assoc.

I realize its a small island with not many residents, but we still would like to see some homes. We do, after all, live and hunt there. If I am not mistaken its the only city with no citizenship or homes. Correct me if I am wrong.


There is nothing more liberating than dancing barefoot.