Furniture Alterer? 12/15/2010 02:27 PM CST
Sometime during the Magma Falls fest I won a voucher for a free furniture alteration. I didn't realize until a long time (months?) later that the alterer was present at the fest at some point. I'm still not sure how to go about redeeming such vouchers, so I thought I'd post and ask how I'd do this, if I need to see the alterer, when it's likely I would be able to catch them if I do have to, etc.

a crisp brown voucher embossed with the Estate Holder crest in gold leaf
>read voucher
A crisp brown voucher reads:
"This voucher entitles the bearer to one free piece of custom furniture for his or her home. Arrangements will be made with Coordinator Geana to meet with the person to set up a time for delivery."

Player of Sajuta, Rakash Battle Empath
...and a whole lot of others.
Re: Furniture Alterer? 12/15/2010 03:36 PM CST
I also have one of these vouchers. I haven't seen the merchant since that festival, though.

I tried to get the HE merchant who took vouchers from merchants who are gone to redeem it, but she said that Geana still shows up 'sometimes'. Any kind of information on when that sometimes might come around again would be really great.
Re: Furniture Alterer? 12/15/2010 04:12 PM CST
Email the events team at

That should at least get you started.

"Your suffering amuses me" -GM Raesh

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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