Furniture. Of course. 04/08/2013 12:27 AM CDT

Windows, to be instead of a single window always, which makes little sense in a manor/hall/mansion to have one single window...

Something like a pair of windows (look only, not having 2 windows of course) or a number of small porthole windows, or stained glass windows that frame the doorway (entryway seems awkward, but then would work if you had an archway instead of a doorway.) You could even have a wall of windows. Or a bay window. Matched oak frame windows. That general vibe.

Also of course you could make a window, that was simply called a skylight. Effectively it is exactly the same, since you can do that astronomy stuff out an open window in a house.

I would also like to suggest that when you put out a nice lovely special WALL (dragonwood, smokewood) it is bloody well hard to match with something already IG, and if people are crazy like me, sometimes they would like them to match. So you could offer the floor that matches someplace, way way cheaper obviously since floors have no storage potential. In lieu of this, make it possible to HIDE the dusty oak floor, and simply have fancy wall and carpet.

I also would like a way to make a house SEEM like it had more than one room, even though it likely never will. Something like doors you can hang on the wall, (not a door that is actually a door, since then when you look at it it would say this is how it looks on a freestanding home) but more like several closed doorways (just a wall hanging) that would look like Each of the doorways are closed without any clue of where they may lead. (or whatever.) Or a single partially open doorway.

Alternatively you could make walls that had doorways in the look.

Same thing with Pillows for a bed. While there ARE larger # of item beds now, not everyone will have one likely. In the store in Ratha, instead of selling a single pillow, sell a pillow that is two pillows, so you can have a quilt and set of two pillows. Otherwise the one pillow looks lonely!

Anyway I will quit for now. :) Linett
Re: Furniture. Of course. 04/08/2013 07:42 AM CDT
Linett's ideas a Madigan approved +1 (no I didn't check with him, but you know, he should).

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Furniture. Of course. 04/08/2013 01:12 PM CDT
>>I also would like a way to make a house SEEM like it had more than one room, even though it likely never will.

hmmm... it Could work... a general storage spot that stored junk in it and just looked like it was an actual room. You could even tap to remove.

for a general storage spot: a side/broom/small closet, pantry, wine/meat/storage cellar, a waiting/dressing/bed room, a small hole/cage/barred cell, ladder leading to an attic/crawlspace/loft, a few loose floorboards with a hidey-hole under them, a well/sinkhole, and so on...

Look- You also see... a broom closet with a rickety door.
Go closet- You stand over by the broom closet with a rickety door.
Sit closet- You walk over the closet and sit down.
Look closet- About the size of an uprighted trunk, a wooden door hangs precariously from a sole rusted hinge.
Look in closet- You see junk, junk, and more junk.


I beleive portholes are/were an option, either it was a fest or at the River Clan's rotating boat-shops. There was some sea-themed stuff like driftwood and so on, that might've been at Hollow Eve Fest though.

I believe they had transoms at the last fest too(the little window over the door in the lintel), as well as Immortal themed triptych(3 paneled image) stained windows.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Furniture. Of course. 04/08/2013 01:14 PM CDT
also just occured to me, you might want to check the Housing shop in the Caravansary outside Dirge. They have a few things like stacks of books, stacks of magic books, piles dirty clothes, dirty dishes, etc to make your home seem more 'full/normal/lived in'.

They're just RP props, but they look pretty neat.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.