fangcove 05/07/2018 09:53 PM CDT

How bouts a empath that actually heals. Repair shops and gem buyers always open like everywhere else and a carousel ?.Its like ghetto premie area.
Re: fangcove 05/07/2018 10:31 PM CDT
The empath is an amazing healer, except that she leaves a few tiny scars at the end. She even heals infection. Are you joining the list?

The shop openings are a longtime complaint, and I do hope one day they change.

- Navesi
Re: fangcove 05/08/2018 12:20 AM CDT
There is a carousel at FC, its down to the east from where you first enter at the portal. Go down to the end, right before the gazebo & look for a cave.

Yeah, its irrating with the gem buyer & armor repairers but personally I just plan around them. Compared to the old days when items could be destroyed completely, least now they just will get trashed but still repairable.

But to each their own :)