Brass Contrivance 06/24/2020 05:33 AM CDT
Does anyone happen to know if the brass contrivance that resets the 30 day cool down in Throne City also works for Thieves timer for unlearning khri? I presume not, but hope springs eternal. Thanks!

- Anuind Silverspruce

Any drunken idiot can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.
Re: Brass Contrivance 06/24/2020 06:03 AM CDT
The note in the shop does say "Could be things about roaring, or casting spells, or other stuff along those lines" so maybe?. I'd wait to buy it though since I don't actually know for sure.
Re: Brass Contrivance 06/24/2020 11:32 AM CDT
>Does anyone happen to know if the brass contrivance that resets the 30 day cool down in Throne City also works for Thieves timer for unlearning khri? I presume not, but hope springs eternal. Thanks!

I've never used it personally but the post linked and pasted below says it works for all guilds:

''For Estate Holders, if you don't know what else to do with your LTB points, you might consider picking up a contrivance on Fang Cove. There's a relatively inexpensive brass one that allows you to forget one thing. (Yes this works with all guilds, like the Simucoin options.) It only removes the timer, so you're still on the hook for any coin cost, but you can forget things faster if there's just a few things you'd re-arrange.

There's also a gold contrivance which is more spendy. It has 30 charges. You can forget a lot of things. This is not a bonded purchase, so you can spread this out amongst your characters, or your accounts.

This will undoubtedly not be the end-all and be-all for every situation, but it might be an option for some.''
Re: Brass Contrivance 06/24/2020 04:16 PM CDT
Thanks kindly, Skaen! As always you're a wealth of information, much obliged.

- Anuind Silverspruce

Any drunken idiot can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.