Is the scripting policy still enforced? 03/10/2015 03:52 PM CDT
I keep hearing that the scripting policy is the same as it's always been, but pretty much everywhere I go I see AFK scripters nowdays. People don't even bother to hide it anymore. At every level, you can find someone AFK dancing their defenses with their trusty empth alt slave by their side, or standing at a gate braiding grass while listening to a class, or AFK-crafting huge shipments of product. The other day a trader's script broke in front of the ranger guild and he spammed the room juggling tailoring tools for half an hour, must have been 20 people complaining, but I still see him walking around like nothing happened.

I don't mean for this to come off as a complaint- I am genuinely asking the question. Are GMs still running script checks? Is DR just getting too small for that to be feasible anymore? Are we still discouraged from dragging AFKs to stop their scripts? If we go free to play, will this just mean more zombies?
Re: Is the scripting policy still enforced? 03/10/2015 04:01 PM CDT
>> Are GMs still running script checks?


>>Are we still discouraged from dragging AFKs to stop their scripts?

The most aggravating experience I've had outside of GSL was doing an AFK Script check that was 4/5ths done when someone decided to come in and disrupt the script, thus saving the person from the warning and consequences of their actions.

>>If we go free to play, will this just mean more zombies?


>>...but I still see him walking around like nothing happened.

So, let's talk two things about scripting.

1) You will almost never notice when we do something to another player's account. This sort of thing is private except in a few, very rare cases. Someone who's laboring under a harsh penalty for AFK scripting is, to a player, undiscernible from someone who's never had a warning in their life.

2) Forgive a level of bluntness, but ignoring people is not against policy; AFK scripting is. It is entirely possible to be within the threshold of awareness where someone will pass a check but not be able (or care to) interact with others. This may be a problem with our discernment, but AFK scripting checks give the person every opportunity to pass it. They are designed not to get you, but to give you an insane amount of chances to pass.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Calvino Italo