TM 12/02/2012 10:23 PM CST
What are the chances Rangers and Pallies can have TM grandfathered in 3.0, since they were left out to dry during the damage magic to TM conversion. 3.0 would be a great time to right that wrong.

Re: TM 12/02/2012 10:33 PM CST
> What are the chances Rangers and Pallies can have TM grandfathered in 3.0, since they were left out to dry during the damage magic to TM conversion. 3.0 would be a great time to right that wrong.

I'll bite. How could you possibly come up with a metric for it? At-level with primary weapon required? Secondary? At-level with penalty? The GMs don't seem eager to grandfather some stuff, see Barbs and magic.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: TM 12/02/2012 10:34 PM CST
Didn't magic terts have the ability to train TM for a few years now?

When in doubt,
Re: TM 12/02/2012 10:35 PM CST
>Rangers and Pallies can have TM grandfathered in 3.0

They are, up to their guild requirements.

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Re: TM 12/03/2012 12:07 AM CST
<<Didn't magic terts have the ability to train TM for a few years now?

When you were already at dillo level when the change came, it would have been backtraining for about 700 ranks. Which means not learning at level for a least a couple of years while back training. New rangers and pallies were not hurt, people that have been 150+ since the TM/damage spell conversion, didnt have much of a choice. If there was a realistic way to learn it at level, while not doing any damage, (or even hitting critters), then I'd say ok, I'll work it up, but as it stands, back training while sacrificing primary learning for a couple years doesnt work.

I'd be ok with TM going to where my other new magics end up, if grandfathered.
