Reverse Putrefaction 11/23/2012 09:20 PM CST
I'm not sure how this spell is suppsoed to work, exactly. I've been playing with it, but it doesn't appear to have a duration.

You reach out with your senses and see pulsating streams of black Necromantic mana oozing through the area.
Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is pale mana to the west, and dusky mana to the east.
You sense the Call from Beyond spell upon you, which will last for about sixty-seven roisaen.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

I know its supposed to increase your zombie's abilities, but it doesn't say for how long.
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/23/2012 09:23 PM CST
I didn't notice any difference from having cast this spell on my zombies either, didn't seem to help them at all defense wise, and it was kind of hard to test very much because of creature appraisal not being finished.
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/23/2012 09:32 PM CST
I did notice, however, that after commanding it to leave, moving to a different hunting area, its appraisal seemed much lower in the new hunting area.
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/23/2012 09:43 PM CST
>>I'm not sure how this spell is suppsoed to work, exactly. I've been playing with it, but it doesn't appear to have a duration.

While you do cast the spell without a target, it actually ends up being placed on the zombie.

When in doubt,
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/23/2012 09:57 PM CST
<I did notice, however, that after commanding it to leave, moving to a different hunting area, its appraisal seemed much lower in the new hunting area.

Are you sure that Kodius finished creature appraisal? Last time I checked they app'd all over the place, pretty much different each time which was way off.
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/24/2012 03:59 AM CST
I'm not sure he did or not, but did several appraisals of the zombie within a window of a few minutes, just to get an idea of what his skills were like. I changed defensive stance as well, as my parry is rather low, just to see how it compared. In all honestly, the appraisals were correctly showing the change in defenses.

And as for the Spell technically ending up on the zombie, I'm sure it does. But still, would be nice to know if its an instant change, or something that has a duration. Everything with a duration gives off messaging of when it wears off. I've seen nothing of the sort with RPU yet, but I have noticed at times it was weaker than when I initially cast the RPU. Something I'll have to create a zombie outside of combat to watch and time.
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/26/2012 09:36 PM CST
>>I know its supposed to increase your zombie's abilities, but it doesn't say for how long.

I updated this so that the person who created the zombie can tell by looking whether the spell is in effect.

>>something that has a duration.

It's a medium duration spell, and there should be a message in the room where the zombie is when the spell wears off. "An arisen goblin zombie's motions slow, the effects of rigor mortis becoming more evident."

Seyalle: It does involve the beard integer.
<to be continued...>
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/27/2012 06:15 PM CST
Thank you Melete
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/27/2012 07:49 PM CST
I haven't noticed any improvement with rpu on a zombie either. Is it working right?

Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/27/2012 09:41 PM CST
The buffs are getting added properly and at least for me they are showing up in appraisal.

With RPU:

>app zom
You are certain that the goblin zombie is healthy.
You are certain that it is about as agile as you are.
You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is somewhat stronger than you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a metal targe, you are certain that the goblin zombie is a worthy opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with your fists, you are certain that the goblin zombie is a somewhat skilled opponent.

[Roundtime: 5 seconds]

An arisen goblin zombie's motions slow, the effects of rigor mortis becoming more evident.

>app zom
You are certain that the goblin zombie is healthy.
You are certain that it is about as agile as you are.
You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are.
You are certain that it is somewhat stronger than you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a metal targe, you are certain that the goblin zombie is a slightly less skilled opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with your fists, you are certain that the goblin zombie is an easy opponent.

It also seems to make a difference in the outcomes of contests, when cast. It will of course be most noticeable when you're fighting something that it can either just barely hit, or just barely dodge. It's not going to make your zombie an unstoppable killing machine, but it should provide a nice edge in a situation when the contest would otherwise be lost. At the cap it's very nice boost, if you can just barely cast it, or cast it close to min prep, it may be just barely noticeable. It's also a percentage boost so it should be most noticeable on the high end with a beefy cast.

I did find a bug where if you were casting RPU at the zombie over and over it could wonk out and end up making the buff negative, so it might be worth testing again.

Seyalle: It does involve the beard integer.
<to be continued...>
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/30/2012 05:23 PM CST
>it should be most noticeable on the high end with a beefy cast.

Yeah I'm on the high end, and my beefy casts weren't showing any improvement at all.

I'll have to test it again, but did you app more than once? Because when I was testing it last week, the app was completely different every time, and there was no difference on the average between RPU app and non RPU app. And non RPU app varied wildly as well. Did you actually test anecdotally whether putting RPU on a zombie was making it do more damage or survive longer?

And on that note, when I apped my zombie holding a bow, it would app like "very difficult" or something, while it would app significantly easier with no weapon (brawling). My bow skill is over 150 ranks higher than brawling, so that seems odd.

Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/30/2012 10:18 PM CST
>>Did you actually test anecdotally whether putting RPU on a zombie was making it do more damage or survive longer?

Yes, watched it evading more and hitting more with RPU, and evading less and hitting less (in fact, being killed) without RPU. But I was able to set up the test such that it was fighting something right on the edge of its abilities; if it was already easily winning the contests, the effect would not be as noticeable.

Combat is also a lot noisier now so it's harder to see the effects of buffs.

Seyalle: It does involve the beard integer.
<to be continued...>
Re: Reverse Putrefaction 11/30/2012 10:35 PM CST
>Pretty sure that's a feat now, tho, not so much a guild perk anymore.

I was under the impression , feat of no feat , we had a base bonus in this keeping us ahead of the curve.