Moon Mages 3.0 01/13/2013 08:18 PM CST
So I figure since we are now in the home stretch I should ask any last questions that can be addressed from test.

1) Is moongate going to have its tweaks done beforehand? (slowing down pulse, increase in difficulty)

2) Can we get a look at possibly slowing down the pulse of Shift Moonbeam? For having a pretty high min prep (14) for a cyclic and the fact that every move of the beam is a 3 sec RT, it seems like the pulses could be much much slower... or no RT would be nice. As it is 30 mana poofs before you can even move through Crossing.

3) Empower Moonblade? It gonna make it? (Im assuming prolly not for 3.0 but I figure Ill ask anyhow) If not any updates on it.. or for that matter any of our other missing spells? (CRS, Empower Moonblade, Return Thought, Shadow Web etc)

4) A mimic of #2.. is there any chance that a look can be given to SLS as well? Currently it pulses on every action it takes.. advancing and attacking.. which seems a tad brutal on mana. I think maybe this one could be put on a set timer rather than by action and that may alleviate the issue. As it is its tough to have this out and focus on anything else for more than one critter (without Raw Channeling which Im testing without).

5) Invocation of the Spheres... have we had any luck convincing that this spell needs a little help in the castibility dept? I really like it and its our only ritual spell which makes me sad. As it is now though its almost pointless to pick up since theres never more than 1-2 planets up at a time due to the wonky that is planet orbits. This wouldnt be a huge issue except for how the spell works and each planet has its own stat increase. You may be days without a way to use this spell cause the only planet up doesnt boost the stat you need. Im not sure what could help this... perhaps being able to cast on a planet regardless of day/night or maybe being able to cast on any planet in your perception sphere. Either way this is almost a bit too over hindering even for Moon Mages.

6) Riftal Summons doesnt appear to be working properly. Folks cant step into the rift. It just auto closes the moment you type go rift.

7) Not really a "needs fixing" but hows Prediction Tools comin? Im sure this has fallin to backburner at the moment but I was curious to ask anyhow.

Ok so thats it for what Ive got at the moment... Im sure Ill think of others

~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani

"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
Re: Moon Mages 3.0 01/13/2013 10:37 PM CST
>perhaps being able to cast on a planet regardless of day/night or maybe being able to cast on any planet in your perception sphere.

I like this direction, and I think it might be nice to have the amount of the bonus tied to how deep within the perception sphere the planet is, as well as the standard things.
Re: Moon Mages 3.0 01/14/2013 01:33 AM CST
Before I reply point by point here's the general State of Moon Mages as far as development in the short to medium term:

All of the MM spells need final polish... but they're in fairly solid shape. That polish is going to largely happen after 3.0 along with I imagine a number of bug fixes.

Prediction still needs a few tools updated. I don't like that those aren't finished, but it's time consuming to convert each one and I want to do it right. With bones, mirrors and visions all live the system is perfectly usable. Finishing the rest is a high priority, but not the highest.

Once those two things are done and some of the other demands on my time (Mostly other 3.0 issues) start to die down I have several more new spells I intend to write.

>>1) Is moongate going to have its tweaks done beforehand? (slowing down pulse, increase in difficulty)

I haven't touched MG in 3.0, so I can't comment on this one specifically.

>>2) Can we get a look at possibly slowing down the pulse of Shift Moonbeam?


>>3) Empower Moonblade? It gonna make it?


>>4) A mimic of #2.. is there any chance that a look can be given to SLS as well?

Same as 2.

>>5) Invocation of the Spheres

Yeah... planets have issues. I'm not sure what the exact fix will be, but it's certainly a problem.

>>6) Riftal Summons doesnt appear to be working properly.

It'll get fixed, though I can't promise it'll be before D-Day.

>>7) Not really a "needs fixing" but hows Prediction Tools comin?

I know, in a mechanical sense, what I want to do with the other tools. Thematically/messaging wise I figured out something I really like for bowls, charts aren't going to change much, prisms I'm still smoothing out (I found some older documentation of how they were going to work and I'm not sure why it was abandoned for the current version, but I like the older version significantly better). Tokka is going to be the hard one - unfortunately the way it works I fear isn't going to play very nicely with how the new central system works. Ideally I'd like to keep it close to the current version, but that might be challenging.

"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose