post 3.0 deployment spell wipe 01/16/2013 08:51 AM CST
I am curious if after the spell wipe of 3.0 if there will be another. I mean all spell will be on preview, but to learn a feat it will take our spell slots, so should I not not take all the feats so I have maximum number of spells when I need the slots, or should I just take all the feats and there will be another wipe before it's decided we don't get the preview anymore.
Re: post 3.0 deployment spell wipe 01/16/2013 08:55 AM CST
Socharis mentioned in another folder that there will be a feat wipe at the end of the spell preview. Whether it will be optional or not is still up in the air.
Re: post 3.0 deployment spell wipe 01/16/2013 08:55 AM CST
One of the recent threads just said that there will most likely be a feat respec option. I would say its in your better interests to pick the ones you want now and just stick with them but it looks like you will have the option to change them when it gets closer to spells being off preview.

~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani

"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."