mental focus gramm, regenerate question 01/07/2013 05:13 AM CST
the guildleader says: when asked about mental focus:

You will find your concentration taxed by almost any application of empathy, so this spell should aid you well your empathic endeavors.

This sentence seems to be missing an "in", it would seem better to say "aid you well in your empathic endeavors.

secondly a question: Regenerate is listed as a "Basic" spell, yet it requires an Advanced spell <heal> as its prerequisite. Is this correct? Seems backwards.

<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
Re: mental focus gramm, regenerate question 01/07/2013 05:36 AM CST
I think Regen is supposed to be esoteric. It is one of the ones that is misclassified I believe. Working with the main magic folks to figure out how to handle it, but all of the Empath cyclics right now are probably easier to cast than they will be when we roll.

Here as he walked by
On the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer
In the year of the Iron Toad
A nameless Dwarf
In a flash of genius discovered
The fundamental formula for
& cut it on a stone of this bridge
Re: mental focus gramm, regenerate question 01/07/2013 02:02 PM CST
>>I think Regen is supposed to be esoteric. It is one of the ones that is misclassified I believe. Working with the main magic folks to figure out how to handle it, but all of the Empath cyclics right now are probably easier to cast than they will be when we roll.

Darn, I was really enjoying the GODLY amount of healing REGEN does. The documentation does say it's esoteric. Oh well, something to shoot for if it gets harder.

You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.