Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 12:20 PM CST
Hi, trying out the test realms, so far everything looks really neat and orderly, which is awesome. However, I noticed one thing....

I'm so used to typing 'foc cambrinth' that I automatically go to 'inv cambrinth' but the game thinks i'm trying to 'inventory' and not 'invoke' so I get to constantly see "You can't do that to a cambrinth whatever!" (type INVENTORY HELP for more options).

Having to type the fourth letter is going to take a LOT of getting used to. What I suggest is changing 'inv' on an item to default to 'invoke'. This way I can inv cambrinth, and it'll link to it, but people used to typing 'inv' to see their inventory, could still be able to do so, since without an item specified, it would still default to inventory.

Would it be possible to do this without causing stars to collide, planets to explode, etc. etc.? If so i'd REALLY appreciate it!

~Signed one devoted cambrinth user.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 12:25 PM CST
After years of inv being inventory, changing this to invoke would screw me up personally.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 12:41 PM CST
I always use INV for inventory and if they change that to INVOKE, then I'd have to type INVE or something for INVENTORY and no... Just no, sorry, but no.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 12:45 PM CST
i know... it's like if ASS TEA went away...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 12:50 PM CST
keep your donkeys out of my tea!


nobody has good teaparties anymore...

<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 01:04 PM CST

>>After years of inv being inventory, changing this to invoke would screw me up personally.

>>I always use INV for inventory and if they change that to INVOKE, then I'd have to type INVE or something for INVENTORY and no... Just no, sorry, but no.

Hi guys! Thanks for not reading my post before replying, but I already offered up how 'inv' being used with no item (Or a 'self invoke' as it were) would default to inventory. Is it really impossible to not have both things?
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 01:08 PM CST
>Hi guys! Thanks for not reading my post before replying, but I already offered up how 'inv' being used with no item (Or a 'self >invoke' as it were) would default to inventory. Is it really impossible to not have both things?

I'm guessing that the technical hurdles of keeping these working:

INV - Shows a description of all of the items you are currently wearing
INV CHECK - Get a rough estimation of how many items are in your inventory.
INV LIST - List ALL items in your inventory, similar to reading a vault book.
INV SHOW - Does the same thing as INVENTORY by itself.
INV SLOTS - Gives a summary of your inventory slots, showing how many items you're wearing in each.
INV SLOTS LIST - Lists the names of your inventory slots.
INV [slot] - Shows you which items you are wearing that match this slot.
INV SEARCH [word] - Searches all of your inventory for items that have the word present.
INV [ARMOR | WEAPON | FLUFF | CONTAINER | COMBAT] - Shows you the items of this type that you're wearing.
INV HANDS - Shows you what you have in your hands.

while still allowing you to:

INV <arbitrary item to invoke>

would be extremely significant.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 01:10 PM CST
>>I already offered up how 'inv' being used with no item (Or a 'self invoke' as it were) would default to inventory. Is it really impossible to not have both things?

I actually don't think it's possible to have both things. It also ignores situations like INV WORN, INV COUNT, etc.

It also assumes that we'll never have a reason to just type invoke by itself.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 01:12 PM CST
>It also assumes that we'll never have a reason to just type invoke by itself.

Which I believe you can do with bonded weapons? Maybe that's just a 2.0 thing though.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 01:13 PM CST
>Hi guys! Thanks for not reading my post before replying

I did read it, toots.
As DURATHING said, it would only go against what INV already is and probably would require additional rewrite.

So.... aherm.... I say again. No.
Invoke is a 6 letter word and the letters are in an easy 'to type' areas if you have Computer Typing skills whether it be novice or advanced.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 03:10 PM CST
Unfortunately, there is literally no way I can do this. It's technically impossible at this time.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Could we make 'inv' default to 'invoke' and not 'inventory'? 01/17/2013 05:32 PM CST
#alias {foc} {invoke $0}

There you go.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."