Agonar Messaging 01/17/2013 09:38 PM CST
>ask agonar about magic
>Agonar blinks at you incredulously and exclaims, "Magic?! We don't need no stinkin' magic!!" The Barbarian whacks you up'side the head for your insolence.

>ask agonar about exp

>"Well, Vinjince," the guildleader says, "You have some work to do before you can advance to circle **** in our order.

>Regarding your weapon knowledge, you should work on 4th Weapon (Small Blunt), Primary Mastery (Melee Mastery).
>Regarding your magic knowledge, you should work on 2nd Supernatural (Debilitation).

>Once you've accomplished that, come see me again."

Could we get Agonar to say something besides magic? Thanks!

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha