Weapons of choice? 12/11/2012 11:09 AM CST

I've played around in test a bit, not nearly as much as some, and was curious as to what barbs feel are the "best" weapons to train now? currently brawl prime and HE secondary, but 2HE/2HB/HT/LT/ME are all within 3 ranks of HE so I could easily make them my second weapon for grandfathering purposes. When 3.0 hits i'm planning on letting brawl go to 3rd or 4th or lower weapon. Basically I trained HE past 2HE so I could still use shield effectively, as it is my main armor over chain by about 50 ranks. Just curious as to what others think a good weapon set up will be with what I have trained. I guess at this point I'm leaning towards HE/HT as my main 2 weapons for 3.0...thoughts?
Re: Weapons of choice? 12/11/2012 11:16 AM CST
Not a barb but i feel it depends on your opponent.

If opponent is in lighter armor, light weapons will excel cause they have the best damage per rt it seems in 3.0
If opponent is in heavier armor, heavier weapons will excel, cause of how much damage can be mitigated, heavier weapons will have more 'left over' that pierces through to deal vitality damage.