wondering if this got fixed in 3.1? 02/13/2014 09:35 AM CST
Its not anything that makes combat more difficult or anything, its just something weird that happens when you kill a critter that has "halt" casted on them, and then the spell wears off: just messaging is sorta weird, like the critter got necro'd :-)


A piruati serpent collapses and exhales with a hiss as it grows still.
A piruati serpent is able to move again.
[You're nimbly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

<<If I can't cast thunderclap, you can't summon the dark lord of the abyss to devour the flesh of the innocent>>
Re: wondering if this got fixed in 3.1? 02/13/2014 09:47 AM CST

A piruati serpent collapses and exhales with a hiss as it grows still.
A piruati serpent is able to move again.
[You're nimbly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

If you take the angle its being held by magical bindings that rather makes sense, it collapses limb against the bindings (death) and the bindings fall away as its life ends. Could the messaging be in the other order to make a wee more sense? Sure, worth burning coding time vs anything else? Not in my opinion.

Re: wondering if this got fixed in 3.1? 02/13/2014 10:31 AM CST
>>A piruati serpent collapses and exhales with a hiss as it grows still.
A piruati serpent is able to move again.
[You're nimbly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.] <<

I can remember when CC use to make them leap to their feet! Chuckles.

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Re: wondering if this got fixed in 3.1? 02/13/2014 11:30 AM CST
I highly doubt that's a bug, its just the messaging of the spell effect wearing off. In this case its just worded bit weird considering the end effect trigger.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur