Spell/feat table 02/12/2014 09:44 PM CST

Has anyone tried to set up tables to help us pick spells and feats in advance- i.e. a spell selection calculator.

Having just selected spells in 3.1 I realize that selecting spells and feats is going to be complicated even for a measley 125th circle cleric.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/12/2014 10:55 PM CST
not a table, but what I did with my paladin, bard and necromancer character <and am planning to do for the rest of my MU's> is list all the spell "must-haves" that train the various different magic skills <debil, warding, utility, TM,augment>, write myself a script to make sure I can both cast it, and that it teaches <although I haven't tried all of them over in test>, copy down how many slots it takes, plus any prereqs <listed on epedia>, and then added any absolute "must-haves" in the feats <i.e. deep attunement for cyclics>. So Need, then after that, if I have any slots I have left over, I select them as fitting that character. <i.e.my tezirite will eventually have to get those sorcery spells>. Plus spells that I need from the analogous book - i.e. my necro has to leave a slot for strange arrow for casting TM in justice areas.

So I basically have them charted out for myself based on the character.

<<If I can't cast thunderclap, you can't summon the dark lord of the abyss to devour the flesh of the innocent>>
Re: Spell/feat table 02/12/2014 11:43 PM CST
It's going to be hard for us all, Flav. I'm already debating over what to consider as essential spells and/or feats.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 07:08 AM CST

All that info is available on EPedia for I believe all MUs. I've definitely kajiggered around with my Necromancer trying to figure out what spells he needs.

It is kind of a drag to me that at 100th circle he cannot learn all the spells, but then, there are a handful he doesn't use ever, and he doesn't need every feat, so, you know.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 07:51 AM CST
good thing I already had it copied down, epedia is down for some odd reason.

<<If I can't cast thunderclap, you can't summon the dark lord of the abyss to devour the flesh of the innocent>>
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 08:20 AM CST
>>It is kind of a drag to me that at 100th circle he cannot learn all the spells, but then, there are a handful he doesn't use ever, and he doesn't need every feat, so, you know.

I think that's by design. The GMs seem to be pushing the idea of having to make intelligent choices. For myself, as long as I can train all the magics, heal, and make pets I'm calling it solid. Last peek in test my Necro could do just that after pairing down on feats. My Paladin (150+) is much easier, more just choosing necessary feats.

Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 09:09 AM CST
>>It is kind of a drag to me that at 100th circle he cannot learn all the spells, but then, there are a handful he doesn't use ever, and he doesn't need every feat, so, you know.

At 103rd I'm able to pick up every necro spell + ease and maf on the test server.

You recall proficiency with the magic feats of Sorcerous Patterns, Faster Targeting, Faster Battle Preparations, Alternate Preparation, Debilitation Mastery, Targeted Mastery, Utility Mastery, Injured Casting, Deep Attunement, Raw Channeling, Efficient Harnessing, Magic Theorist, Symbiotic Research and Mental Matrices.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 09:32 AM CST
>>It is kind of a drag to me that at 100th circle he cannot learn all the spells

On the other side of the coin, it's probably a drag when you're over 100 and don't have more spells to get.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 09:59 AM CST
Yup, all true!
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 07:45 PM CST
What I want to see is the ability to "Refund" slots. Prefferably something akin to Crafting and Techs cold hard CASH aka plats. Good plat sink and also helps for down the road when spell X no longer teaches and to get spell Z that does I need the slots.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/13/2014 08:48 PM CST
With symbioses, it's unlikely you have many, if any, spells that don't teach anymore.

That said, there definitely has to be an option for spell resets--totally agree.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/14/2014 07:05 AM CST

will throne city still work for spell slots refunds, etc?

<<If I can't cast thunderclap, you can't summon the dark lord of the abyss to devour the flesh of the innocent>>
Re: Spell/feat table 02/14/2014 06:47 PM CST
>>will throne city still work for spell slots refunds, etc?

I posted about this a bit ago. In 3.1, Throne City spell refunds are currently not only working, they are cheap, have no time limit for multiple forgets, and work even on spells that are prereqs for other memorized spells.

I don't think this is intended, but no GMs have spoken on it yet.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: Spell/feat table 02/14/2014 07:16 PM CST
I would hope that there'd be an intermediate spell forget system in place short term while people figure out how many spell slots they have and such.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/25/2014 01:14 PM CST
We need to turn off the TC spell forgetting dude, I think. I'm talking to Armifer about the right way to do that, though.

In general, spells will be on preview for 3 weeks after we release 3.1, to give people a chance to experiment and socialize their results.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/25/2014 05:27 PM CST
>We need to turn off the TC spell forgetting dude, I think. I'm talking to Armifer about the right way to do that, though.

In case there's any chance it's still up for discussion, I still like the idea of the spell erasure guy in 3.1, with limited use of course. Although the 3.x goal making all spells unique and worthwhile was definitely realized, it sounds like spell tweaks (and releases) will continue beyond 3.1. I'd hate to be unable to learn some awesome new spell because I ran out of slots and can't unlearn anything.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/25/2014 06:00 PM CST
>>I'd hate to be unable to learn some awesome new spell because I ran out of slots and can't unlearn anything.

As I said on a different thread, we're very conscious of this. We need to make the right decisions for spell unlearning, though, and adding that to this release isn't really in scope. We'll tackle it after 3.1 goes out but before major changes that would make you second guess your choices come out.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/25/2014 08:17 PM CST
>As I said on a different thread, we're very conscious of this. We need to make the right decisions for spell unlearning, though, and adding that to this release isn't really in scope. We'll tackle it after 3.1 goes out but before major changes that would make you second guess your choices come out.

As long as it's still on the table, and not simply being axed (you'll pardon me if I didn't read the inflamatory posts which started this?).

Honestly, I think it's a bad idea to remove a possibly critical function like this, and that those are shabby at best reasons. If a player wants to chicken little and freak out and wipe his spells...so what? It doesn't impact the game, and helps keep players from being stuck when 'super awesome X' comes out, but no GMs have had time to redesign, QC, etc. the new spell removal mechanics. Because we all know, sometimes, even with the flat out amazing GMs we have right now, things just don't get done.

Basically I'm saying don't remove the brakes on your car because you're going to upgrade them at some point, in the future, after you design and fabricate them. Remove them when you have the new better brakes sitting in your hand.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/25/2014 08:23 PM CST
>>Basically I'm saying don't remove the brakes on your car because you're going to upgrade them at some point, in the future, after you design and fabricate them. Remove them when you have the new better brakes sitting in your hand.

That's true, but your car doesn't get mad when you "upgrade" the brakes into something that's not as easy to use.

There's a lot of things to balance, but spell forgetting is something we'll deal with in the short term, not the long term. We just don't have time to tackle it in 3.1, and the spell forgetter dude sets a bad precedent for the players (because it gives them the wrong sense of how it will work and any changes will feel like a nerf).


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 02:42 AM CST
>the spell forgetter dude

Lol, awesome. How about something along the lines of how we forget crafting techs? That's a simple easy solution that's already in place and accepted by the masses, takes money out of circulation, but at a price we don't like to pay often but will when we need to, and it's something that's already in game that we're used to, just need to change up the wording I'd think to have it make sense for getting a spell wiped from your mind.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 06:58 PM CST
On the topic of crafting techniques, I do have plans to reduce how easy it is to forget techniques. Many players have so much money in the bank they can completely respec every day. It becomes a very unbalancing issue. Never been a fan of pay-to-win...

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 07:16 PM CST
>>Never been a fan of pay-to-win...

While I can see that being a bit of a "mewh" thing is this not a very nice "plat sink"
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 07:57 PM CST
>>While I can see that being a bit of a "mewh" thing is this not a very nice "plat sink"

It would still be a nice plat sink if it cost even more.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 08:02 PM CST
>>It would still be a nice plat sink if it cost even more.

Agreed provided it is within reason so folks would actualy use it which they do now and waste 1000s of plats on it. If it was OMG pricey no one would use it so it would not be much of a plat sink.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 08:06 PM CST
There are ways to set up respec options so the casual, intermittent user doesn't have to pay as much, but those who want to use the system frequently can pay for the privilege.

That said, we aren't going to be adding this to the 3.1 release. Afterwards, we'll look at it, but adding anything new to 3.1 is off the table.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/26/2014 09:06 PM CST
>>That said, we aren't going to be adding this to the 3.1 release. Afterwards, we'll look at it, but adding anything new to 3.1 is off the table.

Happy with the "soon" option. 3.1 has balooned from what it originaly was supposed to have as it is I doubt anyone wants to see it baloon further.
Re: Spell/feat table 02/27/2014 01:59 AM CST

>Happy with the "soon" option. 3.1 has balooned from what it originaly was supposed to have as it is I doubt anyone wants to see it baloon further.

Agreed, just thought I'd toss that out there. And a thanks for all the work guys.