Thought window? 12/02/2006 02:20 PM CST
It keeps capturing more than just thoughts.

Any thoughts on how to do it?

And how do I clean up the speach, whisper, thought presets?
Re: Thought window? 12/02/2006 03:45 PM CST
I'd have to see the code you are using and we could probably edit it.

Re: Thought window? 12/02/2006 04:22 PM CST
#TRIGGER {~<stream id~=~"thoughts~"~>~<preset id~=~"thought~"~>} {#gag;#c+ Thought}
#COND {~<~/preset~>~<~/stream~>} {#gag;#C-}
Re: Thought window? 12/02/2006 06:34 PM CST
Those two tags are of the old HTML-type tags with an <opening tag> and a </closing tag> setup. These don't need #TRIGGERs for them unless you are wanting to do something other than the "default" behavior.

See the MattLofton post about simutronics MXP tags in DR on the forums for more details, but if I recall the syntax goes like this:

#MXP <!element stream att="id" TAG=20 OPEN>
#MXP <!element preset att="id" TAG=20 OPEN>

Somewhere in the ELEMENT tag you will have to insert the zscript code for what you want it to do (see the below code for the #TRIGGER), but the above should at least make ZMud start removing the tags from the viewable text.

Also, the #COND is probably not needed as ZMud and CMud should be automatically soft-wrapping the lines. This means that everything from <stream id="thoughts" to </stream> is seen to be on one line. If you are going or have to do it with a #TRIGGER, just put in wildcards for the appropriate places and you can just #WINDOW the information yourself.

#trigger {~<stream id=~"thoughts~"~>~<preset id=~"thought"~>(*)~</preset~>~</stream~>} {#gag;#window Thought {%1}}

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Thought window? 12/02/2006 06:36 PM CST
Oh, I forgot to explain the bolded 20. For <!ELEMENT> tags to work, they need to be assigned to a unique TAG. User-defined tags start at 20 and go up to like 99, I think (you can check this in MXP Preferences under the tags tab). So, if it wasn't obvious from my first reply, you need to change the 20 to whichever number is next available.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Thought window? 12/02/2006 06:50 PM CST
That is quite helpful, infact it cleaned up my room window too.