Running game from tablet 04/11/2017 06:38 PM CDT
Any chance someones figured this out yet? I wanna run mine on my surface....

"We don't have a room up here with a giant radar screen with little colored blips scattered all over the place timing how long it takes TGG to remove TBG from sector J-6."
"Well, I mean, we have the room with the screen and the lights and all."-UnnamedGM
Re: Running game from tablet 04/11/2017 09:20 PM CDT
I run Stormfront on my Surface all the time. What's the issue?
Re: Running game from tablet 04/12/2017 02:13 PM CDT
It works fine on my tablet, but not my phone, for some reason. Both are made by the same company.

A swamp troll looks at you.