F2P Teaching Unlock 11/06/2016 11:05 PM CST
I'm wondering if there might someday be a way to unlock teaching for F2P characters with a simucoin item? I understand why its disabled for F2P to begin with, but I haven't been able to wrap my head around how it would affect the game if it were available. Would people buy the items and park teaching bots all over? Is that any different than what people do now with their subscribed characters?

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Re: F2P Teaching Unlock 11/07/2016 05:01 AM CST
>Would people buy the items and park teaching bots all over?


>Is that any different than what people do now with their subscribed characters?

Yes. It's an inherently different barrier to entry for people to create a F2P account and spend 1-5-10$ once, than it is to spend 15$ a month for a teaching bot. It's why you can't unlock F2P restricted features like empath either; even if they made the cost 100$, it would be a net win for people who wanted a F2P bot for teaching/healing/mule/etc.
Re: F2P Teaching Unlock 11/07/2016 10:16 AM CST
If they wanted to do it, they could do a by the hour pass, maybe 100 simucoins or so, rather than long term pass. That way the casual f2p who wanted to teach a class once in a while could pay few bucks to do so, but it would still be cheaper to subscribe if you wanted to be a teaching bot.
Re: F2P Teaching Unlock 11/07/2016 11:31 AM CST
A daily limit would be good. I don't need to teach all the time, but when I hang out with friends for an hour or two a day, I don't want to be dead weight.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Re: F2P Teaching Unlock 11/16/2016 11:04 AM CST
Teaching is far from game breaking. I mean honestly its easier almost in every case to just do the things required to get the skills, rather than be taught. The guild that would most benefit from it (empaths) aren't even available. I teach for sorcery, to build ranks until casting is less dangerous, and i'm assuming a lot of folks use it for crafting.

I probably wouldn't pay for it anyhow with my f2p, but that's just my 2 cents.