MMORPG.NET picks up Dragonreams coverage 11/27/2002 06:52 AM CST
MMORPG.NET, a site dedicated to the 'other' online games out there has recently opened up coverage on Dragonrealms, starting with a huge interview with Solomon. Check it out at

Typically, the site has offered news on only graphical based games. In a shift of thinking, and after sending a team in to check out the game, it was determined that Dragonrealms was not only worth it, but was in fact overlooked and frankly astonishingly fun and complex.

Lets check the article out and send a message to MMORPG.NET - Dragonrealms has and always will be, the best of the best.

~Xinphinity Basiliak, Moon Mage
~Representative, Heritage House
~Member, Elanthian Mentor Society
Re: MMORPG.NET picks up Dragonreams coverage 11/27/2002 08:36 AM CST
excellent article for those who havent read it,i suggest you do...i sent it to a friend of mine whos been whining and complaining ever since i left EQ for many times as ive tried to explain DR to him he just gives me this blank stare and says "ummmm,dude...its TEXT based!"

after he read this article he told me hes seriously thinking about getting a DR account since he says that now he "finally gets it"

kudos Solomon for great answers to this guys questions!!!!

explained what ive been tryin to explain to my friends for some time now but with little success...looks like my long lost "brother" will be coming to DR soon ,woo hoo!!!!

Master Tanner in Training
Re: MMORPG.NET picks up Dragonreams coverage 11/28/2002 07:03 PM CST
<<~Xinphinity Basiliak, Moon Mage

Xinphinity, thanks very much for posting this. I would never have stumbled across that on my own, and the interview was a good read. :)
