About Other MUDs 09/28/2002 12:50 PM CDT
A friend of mind tried out a few of the MUDs on the Top 10 list, and if you think OOC is bad in DR, it is nothing compared to what goes on in other MUDs. She said most have world chat, use smileys, talk about their Real Life goings-on, etc.

Based on my experience with other MUDs a few years back before returning to DR, this is very typical. DR far surpasses a role playing experience compared to anything out there. Thank the GMs for their professionalism on this point, and sticking to their guns no matter if it does scare off some subscribers.
Re: About Other MUDs 09/28/2002 10:43 PM CDT
The thing is, there are VERY few MUDs that try to enforce RPing. Most are souped up chat rooms :P