After nine hours of blood and sweat. 07/31/2010 09:10 AM CDT
So I filled out an application, and was wondering how soon I might hope to get confirmation that it was read? Will it even be read if there isn't a hiring campaign running?

Was fun stuff. Still would like feedback, though, even negative feedback. =p
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/02/2010 12:32 PM CDT
I would say that you should hear something within the next 2 weeks or so. You'll get an email if there are questions, or we want to schedule an interview. If you aren't being considered this round, your application will have a note on it stating why. So keep an eye out!

Speaking of that, if any good coder-types ESPECIALLY those with interest in quests ... or CE types with interest in weddings or events want to snap an application out THIS WEEK -- you might have a shot!

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/04/2010 02:47 PM CDT
what are the requirements for the coder-types?
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/04/2010 08:37 PM CDT

Extra Credit:
-The ability to be able to learn to code - i.e. a mind that wraps around it easily. Experience in some language is especially helpful, doesn't have to be a specific language, ours will be different no matter what.
-A mind that loves the technical side of things, maybe you can do creative messaging, but your passion is making stuff work, fixing things, new ideas of cool stuff to code.
-An ability to flesh out an idea on paper to propose it, but able to take "no" for an answer if it's not something that will work at that time.
-A willingness to QC other peoples code.
-Good interpersonal communication, there are several people involved in each team, each change, each proposal.

-80 hours a month to devote to working on stuff, totally flexible on "when"
-Ability to make 2 meetings that last an hour-ish a month - longterm. In training, it will be more like 1-2 meeting a week plus classes.
-Willingness to work with the players on shifts and to learn the CE side of things, even if you plan to retreat entirely to Dev later.
-A proven history of playing the game regularly and recently of at least 6 months without a break - preferably longer.
-No warnings in the past year.

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/05/2010 12:43 AM CDT
My rule of thumb is "If you can pass an Intro to Calculus class, you can write GSL."

Our best GSL writers without exception have professional experience in programming, but anyone with a basic head for numbers can gain competency.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/05/2010 01:04 AM CDT
>>Our best GSL writers without exception have professional experience in programming

Those of us that have chosen programming as a profession often kick ourselves for not taking a "Bureaucracy 101" class! Spend half our time with our three different bosses in meetings, when all I want to do is go write some code! (At least that is how it feels at my office a lot of the time) :D
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/05/2010 08:31 AM CDT
well The six month bit excludes me. Been off and on for a good while but this iteration hasn't been that long yet.
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/05/2010 01:04 PM CDT
> Our best GSL writers without exception have professional experience in programming, but anyone with a basic head for numbers can gain competency.

I never coded professionally, nor ever completed a prior programming class in my life -- purely self-taught. It really is not that difficult to work with GSL as long as you understand the basics of algebra. Other than that, you just need to be able to make the connection between an idea and the logical steps needed to make it happen.

- GM Dartenian

Though my soul may set in darkness it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night! - Sarah Williams
Re: After nine hours of blood and sweat. 08/05/2010 08:49 PM CDT
>well The six month bit excludes me. Been off and on for a good while but this iteration hasn't been that long yet.

Hang in there then, I'll be hiring again in probably a couple months since I was behind on this one. I generally pick up a new set of new GMs every 3-4 months. Just keep me updated in Email if you have an old application in that you want to be considered, or need to update one that I have set to not allow it.

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.