January 2009 Application Round Closed 01/21/2009 05:10 PM CST
Just a quick note to thank all of you who submitted GameMaster applications for our current hiring group. We will now be doing application reviews and may be contacting some of you for interviews and/or additional information. We will likely be hiring again in another 3-4 months and I will post again with our open positions at that time!

Just so you know, if you are interested in any of our posted GameMaster positions, you must submit a GameMaster application through our Web site. All information submitted must be accurate and reflect you and not your played characters personalities.

If you do have additional information that you would like to share with me or find yourself unable to update your application on the website for some reason, please include the account name under which you submitted your application in your subject heading. It will make it much easier to locate your application and keep all of the information together. :-)

GameMaster Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.