Salute to Solomon 12/26/2015 09:55 PM CST

Strange no one else did this before me. SALUTE!
Re: Salute to Solomon 12/30/2016 11:34 PM CST
Yeah, It feels like there is a huge elephant in this room.

Being kinda new again after a long time ago, the silence over Solomon is puzzling to me. Over the years, while being on hiatis from the game I've read the boards occasionally, just because some loves never die. But there have been gaps. And suddenly I realize he's no longer here but there is the least for him of all others?

Is it now unspeakable? (Like saying Voldem... (you know))
Does no one know what happened to/with him?
We must be hurt really bad?

I don't know those answers, but I think he was the godfather. Yeah, I salute too!

Vykanthiss, always a curious Ranger

The old is New Again.
Re: Salute to Solomon 01/01/2017 10:39 AM CST
agreed, even though his portrait made me wince for the longest of times until he changed it to mr. bean - you'll be missed solomon
Re: Salute to Solomon 01/02/2017 01:30 AM CST
>>Is it now unspeakable? (Like saying Voldem... (you know))


>>Does no one know what happened to/with him?

He worked for Simu for like, what, over a decade and a half? Sometimes people want to do different things or find new challenges.

>>We must be hurt really bad?


Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.