Will the developers ever take even a glancing look at pvp balance? 01/20/2023 05:19 AM CST

I toally get that GMs just dont like pvp because its not a easy thing to balance and no one is ever happy about any change. That said, pvp is in the game, at least put some effort into keeping a balance of power. Some of us really enjoy the pvp aspect of DR because it is unique. To see it continuing to be ignored and watching buffs and new abilities come in with absolutely no thought put into how it impacts the balance in power. We can't even have discussions about it because apparently Discord is the only allowable form of communication and its painfully clear the gms just absolutely ignore any discussion about pvp.

I get there is a lot of interactions in pvp. Can we please please PLEASE get at least 1 gm to dedicate some time in understanding pvp and the interactions each guild has on each other. Balance might be fine if your circle 50 but it is completely and utterly broken at end game.

Some examples of the REALLY broken things:

Combat maneuvers are better than 99.9% of any ability in the game due to the extreme about of accuracy and damage bonus they get. Cap defense vs cap offense maneuvers can 2-3 shot depending on how lucky you get with which body part gets hit THROUGH MOST BARRIERS. That is 9 seconds of RT on average to beat someone. That is the baseline of PVP now. For most guilds with a few exceptions unless you get first strike you automatically lose.

Empaths - Why did you revert the IC change for shocked empaths? Shocked empaths have all their offensive tools, can use the maneuvers, but can take VAST amounts of more damage vs every other guild with no penality to offense. IC NEEDS to be heavily reduced for shocked empaths. Again the baseline is 9 seconds to beat someone with maneuvers at end game. VS a shocked empath with IC, heal, and POP up, it takes the equivelent of 20 manuevers to get them to 0 vitality. Thanks to the Awaken spell a empath can just get up and out of the majority of disablers so there is no possible way for most guilds to lock a empath down long enough to get in 60 seconds worth of damage landed before the empath can get away or heal it up.

Rangers - They are the only guild that can 1 shot a fully buffed capped character. SK scaling needs to be capped. And guess what, if you don't 1 shot, you will atleast drop 50% of their vitality with SK. Now you can just pounce and instantly land a maneuver which is going to gaurantee a instant win with no counter play for most guilds. How do you defend against that? You cannot defend against someone who pops out of invisibility, hits you with a 20 second disabler, and then is able to dump enough damage out in that 20 seconds to kill 3 capped characters.

Either give every guild the damage potential you gave rangers, or reduce their absurd damage because there is just such a vast power difference now between rangers and every other guild that there is no counter play.

I can't imagine it would take long for a gm to either clone some capped characters, or roll up some capped characters of various guilds and just tests things on each other. It should not take long to see the power differential.
